Open-access Evaluation of the production of nitric oxide in mice, submitted to aerobic and anaerobic exercises

Nitric Oxide (NO) exerts important influences in several physiological processes. In this work we evaluated the production of sanguine NO in Wistar rats, submitted to the acute aerobic and anaerobic exercises. The formation of nitric oxide was verified through the dosage of the end products of oxidation of the metabolism of nitric oxide (nitrates). For this we used the colorimetric Griess method. We verified the existence of a significant difference (p = 0.000261) in the production of NO among the accomplishment of the aerobic swimming and the anaerobic, where the aerobic was shown more efficient in the promotion of higher levels. The acute aerobic exercise with duration of at least 10 minutes was shown more effective in the requirement production of NO in relation to the 5 minutes exercise. The positive relationship observed between the aerobic exercise and the formation of NO can help to explain the beneficial effects of the exercise in the cardiovascular health. We know that the practice of aerobic exercise and your duration increases the biodisponibility of NO, which is an important physiologic regulator of the blood pressure.

Sodium nitrate; Griess Reaction; Physical exercises; Arterial hypertension

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