Open-access The Performance of Academic Leagues Linked to the Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgery Leagues


Introduction:  The Academic Leagues are non-profit autonomous civil and scientific student entities, of indefinite duration, which brings together medical students and professors. The Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgery Leagues (ABLCP) is an organization linked to the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP), considered its academic segment, thus establishing the proximity between Academic Leagues of Plastic Surgery (PSL) and SBCP. The present study aims to describe the profile of the associated leagues.

Methods:  This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, multicenter study with qualitative and quantitative approach through application of an online questionnaire with 19 questions. Duplicated or unfinished records were excluded.

Results:  It was observed that there are 78 PSLs and 1873 binders, present in 58 cities arranged in 20 federative units, being the Southeast region with the largest number of alloys and binders and the one with the smallest number was the North region. In addition, it was observed that 78.2% of the PSLs linked to the ABLCP presented activities in the three axes (Education, Research and Extension/Assistance) simultaneously. In general, the Leagues obtained less participation in research.

Conclusions:  ABLCPs performance in relation to LCPs has the objective of seeking alignment, inspection and stimulus for their activities, since alloys have an important role in medical education.

Keywords: Schools, medical; Mentoring; Students, medical; Surgery, plastic; Independent practice associations

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