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Navigating turf wars: disruptions in the politics of bureaucracy in Brazil 1 1 Acknowledgements: the author thanks Thales Carvalho, Yulieth Martinez and the two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.

Navegando em guerras de território: perturbações na política da burocracia

Guerras territoriales: perturbaciones en la política burocrática


Turf wars occurring within and between government agencies can lead to conflicts and power struggles as they involve competition for resources, authority, and influence. This study aims to deepen our understanding of intra-bureaucratic disputes within the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) (1985-onwards). The research problem is: how do turf wars impact intra-bureaucratic dynamics? We assert that the MFA is not a cohesive entity but rather a site of ongoing disputes. Employing a narrative politics framework and thematic content analysis, we scrutinized a qualitative dataset comprising interviews, memoirs, book chapters, testimonies, and statements to explore these disputes. Through a strategy of revealing cases, we strategically selected instances to elucidate the theoretical foundations presented. The results suggest that the rotation of roles and disputes are focused on the establishment of relationships among diplomats over the course of their careers. Moreover, shifts in the political landscape give rise to novel dynamics in functional mobility.

bureaucracy; presidents; turf wars; appointments

Universidade de Brasília. Instituto de Ciência Política Instituto de Ciência Política, Universidade de Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro - Gleba A Asa Norte, 70904-970 Brasília - DF Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3107-0777 , Cel.: (55 61) 3107 0780 - Brasília - DF - Brazil