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Fitting methods and semi-variogram models applied to the study of spatial variability of physical-hydric soil attributes

The spatial variability and spatial dependence structure of physical water soil attributes (total porosity - VTP, saturated hydraulic conductivity - k0, drainable porosity - DP and soil moisture at field capacity - thetacc) was evaluated for an Oxisol representative of Ribeirão Marcela watershed, in the Alto Rio Grande domain. Spherical and exponential semi-variograms were fitted by the weighted minimum square (WMS) and maximum likelihood (ML) methodologies. Undisturbed and disturbed physical water samples were collected from the 0-0.15 m layer for characterization, in grids of 240 x 240 m and 60 x 60 m, totaling 165 sampling points. VTP and thetacc presented low variability, with coefficients of variation (CV) of 7.54 % and 10.22 %, respectively. The mean DP variability was intermediate, with CV of 43.2 %, and was high for k0 with a CV of 88.3 %. All attributes presented spatial dependence structure, which was strong for VTP, thetacc and k0, with a dependence degree (DD), respectively, of 81.82, 75.31 and 82.61 %. The spatial dependence structure of DP was moderate with a DD of 54.66 %. The domains of VTP, thetacc and DP were around 1.000 m and for k0 it was about 77.46 m. The results of both methodologies were similar, so that both are recommendable for the fitting of semi-variograms to physical water soil attributes. Based on cross-validation, spherical semi-variograms can be indicated for VTP, thetacc and k0, with a Mean Square Error (MSE) close to 0.00161, 0.2795 and 0.00155, respectively, and the exponential model recommended for DP, with MSE of 0.004070.

Soil physics; geostatistics; watershed; cross-validation

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil