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Morphology of soil structure of the Red-Yellow and Dusky Red Latosols of Paraná State, Brazil, by scanner image analyses

The shape and size of aggregates define most soil characteristics, mainly the total porosity and macro and micropore distribution. This study aimed to investigate the morphology of soil aggregates of different size classes of a Red-Yellow (LBd) and a Dusky Red Latosol (LVdf) located in two respective natural toposequences, in Paraná State, Brazil, using scanner images. Undisturbed soil samples of the Bw1 and Bw2 horizons were collected in four LBd profiles and three profiles of the LVdf toposequence. After drying, the aggregates were separated into six size-classes (2-4 mm; 1-2 mm; 0.5-1 mm; 0.25-0.5 mm; 0.105-0.25 mm; < 0.105 mm), to determine the percentage mass distribution and geometric mean diameter (GMD). Aggregate images of the four coarsest size-classes were scanned and processed by UTHSCSA Image Tool. The aggregate shape of both soils was predominantly polyedric, with high roughness, which supposedly increases the external surface area of aggregates. A higher GMD, aggregate area and perimeter were verified in LBd than in the LVdf samples, especially in the Bw2 horizon. The aggregate roundness increased with the decrease in aggregate size, i.e., smaller aggregates seemed to be more spherical and less rough. The clay mineralogy was related with both size and surface morphology of the aggregates. In some size classes of the LBd and LVdf horizons, an increased GMD and area, the preferential growth in one axe (lengthiness) and the external roughness reduction of the structures were favored by the kaolinite content in the clay fraction. The opposite effect was verified for Fe and Al oxides.

aggregate elongation and roughness; Fe and Al oxides; kaolinite

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil