This study was conducted in order to verify the influence of induced chemical properties in standard kaolinite and samples of three soils from the State of Paraná, Brazil - Hapludox Haplohumox and Tropohumults - on the spectral reflectance obtained in laboratory using a spectroradiometer, adjusted from 400 to 2500 nm. The samples were treated with solutions of calcium acetate, sodium acetate and incubated with calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. Higher spectral reflectance was observed in the samples treated with calcium and sodium acetate induced by the higher concentrations of both ions. The incubation with calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate in the soil samples from the 40 to 60 cm layer promoted higher concentrations of calcium, sodium and effective CEC, lower amounts of organic matter and aluminum precipitation. These alterations contributed to higher reflectance along the wavelength range analyzed. Although changes were observed in the intensity of reflectance, the absorption features obtained in each case were the same. Statistical analysis showed the discrimination level of the spectral curves of soils and standard kaolinite.
remote sensing; espectroradiometry; soil chemistry