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Micropedological characterization of some soils from Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais, Brazil

A micropedological characterization of eight selected soils from Zona da Mata, MG, Brazil was carried out encompassing an iron-rich Red-Yellow Latosol ("Una" Latosol), two Dark-Red Podzolic, two Reddish Brunizens, one "Terra Roxa", one Vertisol and one Cambic Red-Yellow Podzolic. Thin sections were analyzed by Optical Microscopy (OM) to identify micropedological features such as: microstructure, porosity, skeleton-grain composition and illuviation cutans. In addition, surface features of undisturbed aggregates were studied at submicroscopic level, using a JEOL 840 Scanning Electron Microscope, in gold-coated specimens, with two replicates. The Bw horizon of the "Una" Latosol showed a strongly developed microgranular structure with marked influence of biological activity; the microaggregates tend to coalesce with depth, becoming totally apedic in the saprolite, underneath a stone line. Hematite nodules undergoing a degradation process were observed, pointing out to a present intense goethization process underway. Similar features were observed in the Vertisol and in the "Una" Latosol, the latter being a typical polycyclic profile. The micropedological study also showed that some soils, with strong cutan development at macroscopic scale, did not show the same feature at microscopic scale, and this was particularly so in redder soils. Soils with yellowish colors presented weak argillans with easily detected illuvial cutans at optical microscopy. The Cambic Red-Yellow Podzolic, with weak and common argillans at macroscopic observation, did not show recognizable argillans at OM level, which points to its Cambic character. This soil showed hematite nodules surrounded by gibbsite, a feature which may contribute to the maintenance of high Fe2O3 contents in these soils. The apparent non-correlation between the field description level of argillans and its confirmation at OM level highlights the need for a more intense effort to understand this process of clay illuviation, aiming to a better consistency and matching of field/OM levels.

micropedology; oxic horizon; argillic horizon; cutan; soil formation

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil