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Doses and methods of manganese fertilization and its effect upon the production of upland rice

This work was conducted under greenhouse conditions to evaluate how doses and methods of manganese (Mn) application may affect vegetative characteristics as well as the production of upland rice. The treatments consisted of five manganese doses applied either via soil (0, 4, 8, and 16 mg dm-3) or leaf (3 4 g L-1 applications), associated with two rice cultivars (Canastra and Confiança). The experiment was randomly designed, with four replications, in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme. Each plot consisted of a recipient containing 8 dm³ of soil (a Red-Yellow Latosol, which is an Oxisol), with six plants. The foliar application of Mn at the recommended dosage resulted in a smaller production of rice when compared with the soil application rate of 8 mg dm-3 Mn, which is the most recommended soil application rate found in the literature. Maximum production was obtained for soil application rates varying from 8.75 to 9.93 mg dm-3 Mn soil, which fall in the so-called small increments range. The rice cultivars had a slightly different response to Mn application with Canastra responding better than Confiança. The negative effect of the largest doses of Mn via soil on the evaluated parameters should be associated to Fe deficiency and not to Mn toxicity.

Oryza sativa; Mn; foliar fertilization; soil fertilization

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil