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Performance of the Groenevelt and Grant Model for Fitting Soil Water Retention Data from Brazilian Soils


The soil water retention curve (SWRC) is essential for vadose zone hydrological modeling and related applications. In 2004, Groenevelt and Grant (GRT) presented a mathematical model for describing the SWRC and reported its mathematical versatility and good fit to soils from a Dutch database. In order to evaluate the application of GRT to SWRCs of Brazilian soils, we aimed to analyze the performance of GRT for 72 soils from Brazil. Besides that, the obtained results with GRT for these soils were compared to the fitting performance of the most frequently used models: Brooks and Corey (BC) and van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM). The three models were fitted to available soil water retention data by minimizing the sum of square errors. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) were used to assess the goodness-of-fit. Results showed high correlation coefficients (r≥0.95) and small values of RMSE (RMSE ≤0.03 cm3 cm-3) for all fits. The goodness-of-fit was of similar performance for the three models with a positively correlation between them. The major difference in shape among GRT, BC, and VGM occurred in the near saturated range, while they were almost identical for low matric potentials. The exponent of GRT showed to be highly correlated with exponents of BC and VGM, but the correlation between the other shape parameters is not well defined, making a direct conversion still difficult.

tropical soils; hydraulic properties; mathematical models


The phenomenon of water retention in the soil is driven by the action of capillary and adsorptive forces, which together give rise to the soil water matric potential ( Dane and Hopmans, 2002Dane JH, Hopmans JW. Pressure plate extractor. In: Dane JH, Topp CG, editors. Methods of soil analysis: Physical methods. 3rd ed. Madison: Soil Science Society of America; 2002. Pt. 4. p. 671-720. ). The hydraulic function that relates the volumetric ratio of water retained in the soil to its matric potential is the soil water retention curve (SWRC). Over the last decades, several models have been developed to better describe the SWRC, such as those proposed by Gardner (1958)Gardner WR. Some steady-state solutions of the unsaturated moisture flow equation with application to evaporation from a water table. Soil Sci. 1958;85:228-32. , Brooks and Corey (1964)Brooks RH, Corey AT. Hydraulic properties of porous media: Hydrology Papers. Fort Collins: Colorado State University; 1964. , Campbell (1974)Campbell GS. A simple method for determining unsaturated conductivity from moisture retention data. Soil Sci. 1974;117:311-4.
, van Genuchten (1980)van Genuchten MTh. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1980;44:892-8.
, and Broadbridge and White (1988)Broadbridge P, White I. Constant rate rainfall infiltration: a versatile nonlinear model. 1. Analytic solution. Water Resour Res. 1988;24:145-54.

Fitting to a wide range of soils, the equations of Brooks and Corey (1964)Brooks RH, Corey AT. Hydraulic properties of porous media: Hydrology Papers. Fort Collins: Colorado State University; 1964. (to be referred to as BC) and van Genuchten (1980)van Genuchten MTh. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1980;44:892-8.
with the parametric restriction of Mualem (1976)Mualem Y. A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media. Water Resour Res. 1976;12:513-22.
(to be referred to as VGM), are among the most frequently used models in literature. On the other hand, the Campbell (1974)Campbell GS. A simple method for determining unsaturated conductivity from moisture retention data. Soil Sci. 1974;117:311-4.
model, as well as the exponential model, are very useful in analytical solutions of complex problems regarding water retention due to their mathematical simplicity. Other less common formulations are polynomial and exponential equations ( Too et al., 2014Too VK, Omuto CT, Biamah EK, Obiero JP. Review of soil water retention characteristic (SWRC) models between saturation and oven dryness. Open J Modern Hydrol. 2014;4:173-82.

The SWRC is used in soil physics as well as in related areas like hydrology, soil conservation, irrigation and drainage, among others. The SWRC directly links to the soil pore size distribution function, and is used in hydrological studies ( Silva et al., 2017Silva AC, Armindo RA, Brito AS, Schaap MG. SPLINTEX: a physically-based pedotransfer function for modeling soil hydraulic functions. Soil Till Res. 2017;174:261-72.
), soil physical quality evaluation ( Reynolds et al., 2009Reynolds WD, Drury CF, Tan CS, Fox CA, Yang XM. Use of indicators and pore-volume function characteristics to quantify soil physical quality. Geoderma. 2009;152:252-63.
; Armindo and Wendroth, 2016Armindo RA, Wendroth O. Physical soil structure evaluation based on hydraulic energy functions. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2016;80:1167-80.
) as well as in the prediction of field capacity ( Turek et al., 2018Turek ME, Armindo RA, Wendroth O, Santos I. Criteria for field capacity estimation and their implications for the bucket type model. Eur J Soil Sci. 2018. (In Press). ) and crop water availability ( Feddes and Raats, 2004Feddes RA, Raats PAC. Parameterizing the soil-water-plant root system. In: Feddes RA, de Rooij GH, van Dam JC, editors. Unsaturated-zone modeling: progress, challenges and applications. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2004. p. 95-141. ). The understanding of soil water dynamics is important in applications involving infiltration, water redistribution, evaporation, and root water uptake, and helps to promote management that allows an increase in water use efficiency ( Prevedello and Armindo, 2015Prevedello CL, Armindo RA. Física do solo com problemas resolvidos. 2. ed. rev. ampl. Curitiba: Celso Luiz Prevedello; 2015. ).

Groenevelt and Grant (2004)Groenevelt PH, Grant CD. A new model for the soil-water retention curve that solves the problem of residual water contents. Eur J Soil Sci. 2004;55:479-85.
proposed a SWRC characterization model (to be referred to as GRT) showing its fitting performance to water retention data of soils from The Netherlands. Like VGM and BC models, GRT allows the prediction of the unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity based on soil water retention data making use of Mualem (1976)Mualem Y. A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media. Water Resour Res. 1976;12:513-22.
or Burdine (1953)Burdine NT. Relative permeability calculations from pore size distribution data. J Petrol Technol. 1953;5:71-8.
theories ( Grant et al., 2010Grant CD, Groenevelt PH, Robinson NI. Application of the Groenevelt-Grant soil water retention model to predict the hydraulic conductivity. Aust J Soil Res. 2010;48:447-58.

Since then, the GRT model has not been systematically tested for soil databases. Most Brazilian soils are the result of a lengthy pedogenesis under tropical climatic conditions with a precipitation surplus under well-drained conditions, leading to a specific clay mineralogy and distinct structure. It is therefore imperative to evaluate the performance of any SWRC model, including GRT, for these soils. This study aimed to assess the fits of the GRT model to a SWRC database of Brazilian soils. The goodness-of-fit was also compared to the two models most frequently used in literature, BC and VGM.



A set of 72 soil water retention curves extracted from the Brazilian Soil Hydrophysical Database (HYBRAS) ( Ottoni et al., 2018Ottoni MV, Ottoni Filho TB, Schaap MG, Lopes-Assad MLRC, Rotunno Filho OC. Hydrophysical database for Brazilian soils (HYBRAS) and pedotransfer functions for water retention. Vadose Zone J. 2018;17:170095.
) was used. For each soil, between 6 and 13 data pairs of soil water content (θ) versus matric potential (h) were available, from soil saturation (h = 0) up to dry condition (h = -15300 cm). This database also provides information on some soil physical properties as sand, silt and clay contents, bulk density and, total porosity. Each soil was classified according to the texture classes defined in the Brazilian system of soil classification ( Santos et al., 2013Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Oliveira JB, Coelho MR, Lumbreras JF, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 3. ed. rev. ampl. Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa Solos; 2013. ). In this classification, clay is defined as particles with an equivalent diameter smaller than 2 µm, silt is between 2 and 50 µm, and sand has an equivalent diameter larger than 50 µm. Very clayey texture is defined as a clay content larger than 600 g kg-1, clayey texture corresponds to a clay content between 350 and 600 g kg-1, silty textured soils contain less than 350 g kg-1 of clay and less than 150 g kg-1 of sand, whereas a sandy texture is defined by a sand content exceeding the clay content in more than 700 g kg-1. All other soils are of medium texture ( Figure 1 ). This figure shows the selected data to cover all textural classes, with fewer representatives for the silty class, very uncommon in tropical soils.

Figure 1
The 72 Brazilian soils used in this study presented on the texture triangle.


The measured data of matric potential (h) and soil water content (θ) were fitted to the nonlinear models proposed by Groenevelt and Grant (2004)Groenevelt PH, Grant CD. A new model for the soil-water retention curve that solves the problem of residual water contents. Eur J Soil Sci. 2004;55:479-85.
(GRT), Brooks and Corey (1964)Brooks RH, Corey AT. Hydraulic properties of porous media: Hydrology Papers. Fort Collins: Colorado State University; 1964. (BC), and van Genuchten (1980)van Genuchten MTh. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1980;44:892-8.
with parametric restriction of Mualem (1976)Mualem Y. A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media. Water Resour Res. 1976;12:513-22.
(VGM). The GRT model was originally written as:

θ = θ 5 - k 1 exp - k 0 | h | ρ , | h | > 0 Eq. 1

in which θ is the volumetric soil water content (L3 L-3), θs is the saturated soil water content (L3 L-3), h is the soil water matric potential (L) and p, k1, and k0 are model fitting parameters. The parameter k1 has same physical dimension as soil water content (L3 L-3). The parameter k0 has the same physical dimension as |h| (L) and corresponds to the value of at the inflection point of the SWRC, as confirmed by De Jong van Lier (2014)Jong van Lier Q. Revisiting the S-index for soil physical quality and its use in Brazil. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2014;38:1-10.
and Grant and Groenevelt (2015)Grant CD, Groenevelt PH. Weighting the differential water capacity to account for declining hydraulic conductivity in a drying coarse-textured soil. Soil Res. 2015;53:386-91.
. However, its physical meaning is not clear, as occurs with parameter α of VGM (De Jong van Lier and Pinheiro, 2018Jong van Lier Q, Pinheiro EAR. An alert regarding a common misinterpretation of the van Genuchten α parameter. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2018;42:e0170343.
). Equation 1 can be rewritten as:

θ = θ r + θ s - θ r 1 - exp - k | h | p or Θ = 1 - exp - k | h | p Eq. 2

taking k1 = (θs - θr) and k0 = k. The θr is the residual soil water content (L3 L-3) and Θ is the effective saturation (L3 L-3), which is found by the expression Θ = (θ - θr)/(θs - θr).

The BC model is defined by:

θ = θ s t | h | h b θ r + θ s - θ r h b | h | λ , | h | > h b or θ = 1 , | h | h b h b | h | λ , | h | > h b Eq. 3

in which hb is the absolute value of the air-entry pressure head (L) and λ is a fitting parameter.

The VGM model is given by:

θ = θ r + θ s - θ r 1 + ( α | h | ) n 1 - 1 / n or Θ = 1 + ( α | h | ) n ( 1 / n ) - 1 Eq. 4

in which n and α (L-1) are model fitting parameters.

Calibration and validation

The parameters of the respective models were calibrated by fitting equations 2, 3, and 4 to the measured data of θ(h). The Sum of Square Errors (SSE) was minimized to obtain the best fit for each model. The fitted parameters were θs, θr, k, and p for GRT; θs, θr, hb, and λ for BC; and θs, θr, α, and n for VGM. During the fitting procedure, values of all fitted parameters were restricted to non-negative values, according to their physical or mathematical meaning. Then, for each fitted model to each SWRC, the goodness-of-fit was evaluated by metrics that quantify model precision and accuracy to estimate the function θ(h).

Model precision was assessed using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), defined as:

r = i = 1 N θ i - m e a - θ ¯ m e a θ i - e s t - θ ¯ e s t i = 1 N θ i - m e a - θ ¯ m e a 2 i = 1 N θ i - e s t - θ ¯ e s t 2 Eq. 5

in which θi-mea is each value of measured soil water content, θi-est is each value of estimated soil water content, θmea is the mean of measured values, and θest is the mean of estimated values, all with dimension L3 L-3. The value of r represents a measure of the linear correlation between the measured and estimated values of θ. The closer to one, the greater is the model precision.

Model accuracy was analyzed by the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), defined as:

R M S E = 1 N i = 1 N θ i - e s t - θ i - m e a 2 Eq. 6

in which N is the number of data pairs. The RMSE expresses the difference between measured and estimated values and thus, the closer to zero, the greater is the model accuracy.


The Brazilian soil texture triangle with all 72 data points is presented in figure 1 . This database is composed mostly of soils of medium and clayey texture and some few soils of silty, very clayey, and sandy classes. The data number identification (ID), the number of measured θ(h) pairs (N) of each data from HYBRAS database are shown in table 1 together with their respective textural classes information (T). Furthermore, fitted parameters for SWRC models of GRT (θs, θr, k, and p), VGM (θs, θr, α, and n), and BC (θs, θr, hb, and λ) are also exhibited with respective values of r and RMSE.

Table 1
Fitted parameters for SWRC models of Van Genuchten (1980)van Genuchten MTh. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1980;44:892-8.
-Mualem, Brooks and Corey (1964)Brooks RH, Corey AT. Hydraulic properties of porous media: Hydrology Papers. Fort Collins: Colorado State University; 1964. , and Groenevelt and Grant (2004)Groenevelt PH, Grant CD. A new model for the soil-water retention curve that solves the problem of residual water contents. Eur J Soil Sci. 2004;55:479-85.
together with Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).

The GRT model presented the lowest value of θs (0.272 cm3 cm-3) for soil ID-995 and its highest value (0.862 cm3 cm-3) for soil ID-1027. The maximum value for θr (0.347 cm3 cm-3) was found for soil ID-1000. The parameter k was lowest (1.65 × 103 cm) for soil ID-1027 (silty texture) and highest (2.49 × 104cm) for soil ID-449 (clayey texture). The lowest value for parameter p (0.078) was found for soil ID-423 (clayey texture) and the highest value (2.963) for soil ID-153 (sandy texture).

For the VGM model, the lowest value for θs (0.267 cm3 cm-3) occurred for soil ID-995 with medium texture, whereas the highest value (0.837 cm3 cm-3) was found for soils ID-401 (clayey texture) and -405 (medium texture). Nevertheless, the maximum value for θr (0.314 cm3 cm-3) corresponds to soil ID-398 (clayey texture). The soil ID-287 (medium texture) presented the lowest value for parameter α (0.013 cm-1), whereas soil ID-1027 (silty texture) presented its highest value (122.1 cm-1). Soil ID-153 (sandy texture) had the highest value for n (3.997), the lowest n (1.033) occurred for soil ID-1000 (medium texture).

For the BC model, like for VGM, the lowest value for θs (0.260 cm3 cm-3) was also found for soil ID-995, whereas its highest value (0.833 cm3 cm-3) occurred in soil ID-401. The maximum value for θr was found for soil ID-398 (0.303 cm3 cm-3). The soil ID-157 (sandy texture) presented the highest value for parameter hb (35.24 cm), whereas the lowest value for parameter λ was 0.028 for soil ID-1000 (medium texture) and the highest value 2.434 for soil ID-157.

Mean values for the Pearson’s correlation coefficient r were highest for GRT (0.996), closely followed by VGM (0.995) and BC (0.993), showing a slight superiority of precision for the GRT model. On the other hand, mean values for RMSE were smallest for BC (0.028 cm3 cm-3), closely followed by both GRT and VGM (0.030 cm3 cm-3), showing a slightly higher accuracy for the BC model. The major difference in shape among the three models occurs in the near-saturated range, as shown for the cases with the best (soil ID-545; figure 2a ) and the worst fit (soil ID-282; figure 2b ) with GRT among the evaluated soils. In these examples, BC (black curve in figure 2 ) is the only one that remains constant for h in the near-saturated range (h between -10 and 0 cm). In case of figure 3 , the values of Pearson’s correlation r among the three assessed models for all 72 measured θ(h) data points are presented, in which GRT and VGM models exhibited larger values. Lastly, an important finding of linear correlation between exponents p (GRT) and n (VGM) shows up in figure 4 .

Figure 2
Measured data points θ (h) showing the best fit (smallest RMSE) found for soil ID-545 (a) and the worst fit (largest RMSE) found for soil ID-282 (b) based on the GRT model applied to 72 data sets of Brazilian soils.

Figure 3
Correlations between (1-r) obtained for fits to GRT versus VGM (a), BC versus VGM (b), and GRT versus BC (c), for the 72 data sets of Brazilian soils. Different symbols represent texture classes from the Brazilian classification system.

Figure 4
Log10 transforms of parameter k (GRT) versus 1/α (VGM) (k and α in cm) (a) and parameter p (GRT) versus n (VGM) (b) and versus λBC (c), obtained after fitting 72 data sets of Brazilian soils.


Since all fits, regardless of the used model, resulted in very high precision (r≥0.948) and high accuracy (RMSE≤ 0.030 cm3 cm-3), we conclude that the three studied models fit well to the 72 measured θ(h) data points. Based on all found measures of r and RMSE, the goodness-of-fit was slightly better (larger r and smaller RMSE) for the GRT model in the case of 35 of the evaluated soils (48.6 %), followed by VGM for 20 of the soils (27.8 %), and BC for 17 of the soils (23.6 %).

About the difference in curve shapes, the number of fitting parameters is the same for all three models and thus curve shapes are almost identical in the best fit for values of |h| larger than 40 cm (soil ID-545), showing almost equal goodness-of-fit among the three analyzed models. Possibly, one or two additional measured values between 0 and 40 cm of |h| might reduce the uncertainty of the non-linear fitting procedure near the saturation point. Even though more measured points were obtained for soil ID-282, a worse performance of the three models to fit these points together with a larger difference between their estimates was observed due to the incongruence between the measured values of this SWRC and the curve shapes.

This is illustrated in another way in figure 3 , which represents the values of the complement of Pearson’s correlation coefficient (1 - r) for fits to the 72 selected soils from the HYBRAS database. The strong correlation between (1 - r) for the different models is clear ( Figure 3 ), in other words, the goodness-of-fit among the three models correlates positively, and data that allow a better fit for one of the models tend to a better fit for the other models as well.

The equation by Groenevelt and Grant (2004)Groenevelt PH, Grant CD. A new model for the soil-water retention curve that solves the problem of residual water contents. Eur J Soil Sci. 2004;55:479-85.
may be considered mathematically more convenient than VGM, allowing straightforward integration of θ(h) to obtain the integral water capacity ( Groenevelt et al., 2001Groenevelt PH, Grant CD, Semetsa S. A new procedure to determine soil water availability. Aust J Soil Res. 2001;39:577-98.
; Grant and Groenevelt, 2015Grant CD, Groenevelt PH. Weighting the differential water capacity to account for declining hydraulic conductivity in a drying coarse-textured soil. Soil Res. 2015;53:386-91.
) and K(h) to obtain the matric flux potential ( Raats, 1977Raats PAC. Laterally confined, steady flows of water from sources and to sinks in unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1977;41:294-304.
; Pullan, 1990Pullan AJ. The quasilinear approach for unsaturated porous media flow. Water Resour Res. 1990;26:1219-34.
; Grant and Groenevelt, 2015Grant CD, Groenevelt PH. Weighting the differential water capacity to account for declining hydraulic conductivity in a drying coarse-textured soil. Soil Res. 2015;53:386-91.
). Furthermore, the exponent p is linearly correlated to the slope of the SWRC, with |h| on a log-scale, sometimes referred to as the S-index (De Jong van Lier, 2014Jong van Lier Q. Revisiting the S-index for soil physical quality and its use in Brazil. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2014;38:1-10.
). Nevertheless, most databases on soil hydraulic properties report the VGM parameters. A correlation between parameters of both equations would allow to transform databases in VGM to GRT. We verified the correlation between exponents p (GRT) with n (VGM) and also with λ (BC), obtaining a strong linear correlation (r = 0.985) between p and n and moderate linear correlation (r = 0.781) between p and λ for the evaluated database ( Figure 4 ) according to:

p = 0 . 969 n 0 . 869 Eq . 7
p = 1 . 217 λ + 0 . 162 Eq . 8

The same figure shows that correlations between parameters α and k as well as parameters k and hb are not well defined. Analyzing these correlations for each texture class separately did not generate promising results either. This is somehow unexpected, as 1/α and k apparently have a similar role in the equations. The correlation between parameters of GRT with VGM and BC models could support the exchange of information related to SWRC between these models providing several applications due to the higher mathematical versatility of the GRT model. Therefore, a further investigation of the correlations for other soils may be of interest.


An analysis of water retention data for 72 Brazilian soils allowed to conclude that soil water retention data can be fitted with equal quality to the equations by Groenevelt and Grant (2004)Groenevelt PH, Grant CD. A new model for the soil-water retention curve that solves the problem of residual water contents. Eur J Soil Sci. 2004;55:479-85.
(GRT), van Genuchten (1980)van Genuchten MTh. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1980;44:892-8.
with Mualem restriction (VGM), and Brooks and Corey (1964)Brooks RH, Corey AT. Hydraulic properties of porous media: Hydrology Papers. Fort Collins: Colorado State University; 1964. (BC), suggesting the use of the GRT model for Brazilian soils to be of interest. The major difference in shape among the three models occurs in the near saturated range. Exponents from GRT are correlated with exponents from BC and VGM, but the other shape parameters (k for GRT, with hb for BC, and α for VGM) do not show clear correlation, making a direct conversion between the equations difficult.


  • Armindo RA, Wendroth O. Physical soil structure evaluation based on hydraulic energy functions. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2016;80:1167-80.
  • Broadbridge P, White I. Constant rate rainfall infiltration: a versatile nonlinear model. 1. Analytic solution. Water Resour Res. 1988;24:145-54.
  • Brooks RH, Corey AT. Hydraulic properties of porous media: Hydrology Papers. Fort Collins: Colorado State University; 1964.
  • Burdine NT. Relative permeability calculations from pore size distribution data. J Petrol Technol. 1953;5:71-8.
  • Campbell GS. A simple method for determining unsaturated conductivity from moisture retention data. Soil Sci. 1974;117:311-4.
  • Dane JH, Hopmans JW. Pressure plate extractor. In: Dane JH, Topp CG, editors. Methods of soil analysis: Physical methods. 3rd ed. Madison: Soil Science Society of America; 2002. Pt. 4. p. 671-720.
  • Feddes RA, Raats PAC. Parameterizing the soil-water-plant root system. In: Feddes RA, de Rooij GH, van Dam JC, editors. Unsaturated-zone modeling: progress, challenges and applications. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2004. p. 95-141.
  • Gardner WR. Some steady-state solutions of the unsaturated moisture flow equation with application to evaporation from a water table. Soil Sci. 1958;85:228-32.
  • Grant CD, Groenevelt PH. Weighting the differential water capacity to account for declining hydraulic conductivity in a drying coarse-textured soil. Soil Res. 2015;53:386-91.
  • Grant CD, Groenevelt PH, Robinson NI. Application of the Groenevelt-Grant soil water retention model to predict the hydraulic conductivity. Aust J Soil Res. 2010;48:447-58.
  • Groenevelt PH, Grant CD. A new model for the soil-water retention curve that solves the problem of residual water contents. Eur J Soil Sci. 2004;55:479-85.
  • Groenevelt PH, Grant CD, Semetsa S. A new procedure to determine soil water availability. Aust J Soil Res. 2001;39:577-98.
  • Jong van Lier Q. Revisiting the S-index for soil physical quality and its use in Brazil. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2014;38:1-10.
  • Jong van Lier Q, Pinheiro EAR. An alert regarding a common misinterpretation of the van Genuchten α parameter. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2018;42:e0170343.
  • Mualem Y. A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media. Water Resour Res. 1976;12:513-22.
  • Ottoni MV, Ottoni Filho TB, Schaap MG, Lopes-Assad MLRC, Rotunno Filho OC. Hydrophysical database for Brazilian soils (HYBRAS) and pedotransfer functions for water retention. Vadose Zone J. 2018;17:170095.
  • Prevedello CL, Armindo RA. Física do solo com problemas resolvidos. 2. ed. rev. ampl. Curitiba: Celso Luiz Prevedello; 2015.
  • Pullan AJ. The quasilinear approach for unsaturated porous media flow. Water Resour Res. 1990;26:1219-34.
  • Raats PAC. Laterally confined, steady flows of water from sources and to sinks in unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1977;41:294-304.
  • Reynolds WD, Drury CF, Tan CS, Fox CA, Yang XM. Use of indicators and pore-volume function characteristics to quantify soil physical quality. Geoderma. 2009;152:252-63.
  • Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Oliveira JB, Coelho MR, Lumbreras JF, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 3. ed. rev. ampl. Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa Solos; 2013.
  • Silva AC, Armindo RA, Brito AS, Schaap MG. SPLINTEX: a physically-based pedotransfer function for modeling soil hydraulic functions. Soil Till Res. 2017;174:261-72.
  • Too VK, Omuto CT, Biamah EK, Obiero JP. Review of soil water retention characteristic (SWRC) models between saturation and oven dryness. Open J Modern Hydrol. 2014;4:173-82.
  • Turek ME, Armindo RA, Wendroth O, Santos I. Criteria for field capacity estimation and their implications for the bucket type model. Eur J Soil Sci. 2018. (In Press).
  • van Genuchten MTh. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1980;44:892-8.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 July 2019
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Nov 2018
  • Accepted
    24 Apr 2019
Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil