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Characterization and genesis of cohesive horizons in oxisols and ultisols of the coastal tablelands of Alagoas State, Brazil

The cohesive character is an attribute of subsurface soil horizons with hard to extremely hard consistency when dry, and friable or firm when wetted. Despite the agricultural importance, the formation of these horizons is not yet completely understood. The objective of this study was to characterize and assess the possible mechanisms involved in the formation of cohesive horizons in soils of the Coastal Tablelands of Northeast Brazil, in order to understand their pedogenesis and to identify physical and chemical parameters that can be used for the definition of the cohesive character in the Brazilian System of Soil Classification. Four soil profiles were morphologically characterized: a Yellow Argisol (Ultisol), a Gray Argisol (Ultisol) and two Yellow Latosols (Oxisols). Samples from cohesive and non-cohesive horizons were taken for physical and chemical analysis. The morphological description revealed the presence of the cohesive character both under forest as well as under cultivation, confirming its pedogenetic nature. Soil morphology and soil density, together with the specific surface area efficiently identified the cohesive character in the studied soils.

cohesive soils; dense horizon; soil genesis; Barreiras Formation

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil