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Carbon and nitrogen stocks in a Rhodic Nitisol under different tillage methods and mineral and organic fertilizers


Changes in soil management, for example by more vigorous crops, adoption of conservation tillage and optimization of fertilization, can increase soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) stocks. We hypothesized that corn - black oat rotation under no-tillage (NT) and adequate soil fertilization can increase these stocks, compared to conventional tillage (CT). This study compared these two tillage methods and organic with mineral fertilizers, regarding their effects on C and N cycling and SOC and TN stocks in a Rhodic Nitisol in southern Brazil. The study started in 2012, in a pasture area, which was converted into corn (Zea mays L.) - black oat (Avena strigosa Scherb.) rotation. The treatments were applied in a 2 × 5 factorial arrangement, consisting of two soil tillage methods (NT and CT) and five fertilizers (pig slurry (PS); biodigested PS (PS-B); composted PS (PS-C); mineral fertilizer; and a control). From 2019 onwards, treatment PS-B was replaced by injected PS (PS-I) and PS-C by poultry litter (PL). A randomized block design was used in a split-plot arrangement, where the plots corresponded to soil tillage and subplots to fertilization. In every year of the study, corn was fertilized with 140 kg N ha-1 and at least 115 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 77 kg K2O ha-1. Total SOC and TN stocks were determined in six soil layers (0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30, 0.30-0.40 and 0.40-0.60 m) whereas the soil particulate (POC and PN) and mineral-associated (MAOC and MAN) fractions were evaluated in the four upper layers (0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30m) at the beginning of the study (2012) and after nine years (2021). The cumulative values under NT showed that SOC stocks nearly doubled, compared to those under CT. These increases occurred in the most labile POC and PN fractions. However, no difference in response to the different fertilizers was observed in these stocks. The studied factors indicated a marked effect of soil tillage on alterations in C and N stocks. No-tillage increases SOC and TN stocks, mainly in the most labile fractions (POC and PN) of Rhodic Nitisols in southern Brazil, under corn - black oat rotation.

soil management; organic fertilizers; particulate organic matter; mineralassociated organic matter


Soil is one of the largest active terrestrial carbon (C) reservoirs, as it contains approximately 2,400 Pg of soil organic carbon (SOC), a constituent of soil organic matter (SOM), whereas the atmosphere contains 760 Pg and vegetation 550 Pg of carbon (IPCC, 2007Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC. Climate change and water: The physical science basis. Genebra: IPCC; 2007.). Therefore, changes in soil management, such as the implementation of vigorous annual crops and conservation tillage systems, can positively affect C stocks and distribution in the soil profile (Vezzani and Mielniczuk, 2011Vezzani FM, Mielniczuk J. Agregação e estoque de carbono em argissolo submetido a diferentes práticas de manejo agrícola. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2011;35:213-23.
; Man et al., 2021Man M, Tosi M, Dunfield KE, Hooker DC, Simpson MJ. Tillage management exerts stronger controls on soil microbial community structure and organic matter molecular composition than N fertilization. Agr Ecosyst Environ. 2021;336:108028.
; Tiefenbacher et al., 2021Tiefenbacher A, Sandén T, Haslmayr HP, Miloczki J, Wenzel W, Spiegel H. Optimizing carbon sequestration in croplands: A synthesis. Agronomy. 2021;11:882.

With regard to C and N stocks, conservation and regenerative soil and agricultural management systems can increase inputs and reduce losses from SOM and enlarge these stocks. These systems can contribute to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) and favor the adaptation of agricultural systems to climate changes, due to the numerous co-benefits (Tiefenbacher et al., 2021Tiefenbacher A, Sandén T, Haslmayr HP, Miloczki J, Wenzel W, Spiegel H. Optimizing carbon sequestration in croplands: A synthesis. Agronomy. 2021;11:882.

Soil conservation tillage systems, such as no-tillage (NT), contribute to SOC accumulation by enhancing the SOM content. This is the result of physical protection mechanisms within soil aggregates, since these structures are preserved due to the absence of soil disturbance. This absence prevents aggregate breakage, and the maintenance of crop residues on the soil surface reduces soil exposure to rainfall impact (Six et al., 1999Six J, Elliott ET, Paustian K. Aggregate and Soil organic matter dynamics under conventional and no-tillage systems. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1999;63:1350-8.
; Bayer et al., 2000Bayer C, Mielniczuk J, Amado TJC, Martin-Neto L, Fernandes SV. Organic matter storage in a sandy clay loam Acrisol affected by tillage and cropping systems in southern Brazil. Soil Till Res. 2000;54:101-9.
; Lovato et al., 2004Lovato T, Mielniczuk J, Bayer C, Vezzani F. Adição de carbono e nitrogênio e sua relação com os estoques no solo e com o rendimento do milho em sistemas de manejo. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2004;28:175-87.
). A study of Pinheiro et al. (2015)Pinheiro M, Garnier P, Beguet J, Martin Laurent F, Vieuble Gonod L. The millimetre-scale distribution of 2,4-D and its degraders drives the fate of 2,4-D at the soil core scale. Soil Biol Biochem. 2015;88:90-100.
on tropical soils showed that SOM accumulation under NT is higher than under CT, even when crop residue are scarce, which reinforces the importance of conservation practices.

Apart from tilling or not tilling, a sound soil fertility management, along with high C input from the crop biomass (Ferreira et al., 2018Ferreira AO, Amado TJC, Rice CW, Diaz DAR, Briedis C, Inagaki TM, Gonçalves DRP. Driving factors of soil carbon accumulation in Oxisols in long-term no-till systems of South Brazil. Sci Total Environ. 2018;622-623:735-42.
), can also increase or recover SOC. Organic fertilization (Nicoloso., 2009Nicoloso RS. Mecanismos de estabilização do carbono orgânico do solo em agroecossistemas de clima temperado e sub-tropical [thesis]. Santa Maria: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; 2009.; Mafra et al., 2014Mafra MSH, Cassol PC, Albuquerque JA, Correa JC, Grohskopf MA, Panisson J. Acúmulo de carbono em Latossolo adubado com dejeto líquido de suínos e cultivado em plantio direto. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2014;49:630-8.
), soil acidity correction (Inagaki et al., 2017Inagaki TM, Sá JCM, Caires EF, Gonçalves DRP. Why does carbon increase in highly weathered soil under no-till upon lime and gypsum use? Sci Total Environ. 2017;599-600:523-32.
) and soil erosion reduction (Bertol et al., 2003Bertol I, Mello EL, Guadagnin JC, Zaparolli ALV, Carrafa MR. Nutrients losses by water erosion. Sci Agric. 2003;60:581-6.
) are examples of practices that favor SOC storage.

Soil fertilization, mainly with nitrogen (N), directly influences soil C and N input and accumulation, promotes the vegetative (root and shoot) plant development and improves biomass production (Diekow et al., 2005Diekow J, Mielniczuk J, Knicker H, Bayer C, Dick DP, Kögel-Knabner I. Soil C and N stocks as affected by cropping systems and nitrogen fertilisation in a southern Brazil Acrisol managed under no-tillage for 17 years. Soil Till Res. 2005;81:87-95.
; Zanatta et al., 2007Zanatta JA, Bayer C, Dieckow J, Vieira FCB, Mielniczuk J. Soil organic carbon accumulation and carbon costs related to tillage, cropping systems and nitrogen fertilization in a subtropical Acrisol. Soil Till Res. 2007;94:510-9.
). Soil fertilization with organic fertilizer, alone or combined with mineral fertilizer, has a higher capacity to increase SOC stocks than the exclusive use of mineral fertilizer (Mafra et al., 2014Mafra MSH, Cassol PC, Albuquerque JA, Correa JC, Grohskopf MA, Panisson J. Acúmulo de carbono em Latossolo adubado com dejeto líquido de suínos e cultivado em plantio direto. Pesq Agropec Bras. 2014;49:630-8.
; Rodrigues et al., 2021Rodrigues LAT, Giacomini SJ, Aita C, Lourenzi CR, Brunetto G, Bacca A,Ceretta CA. Short- and long-term effects of animal manures and mineral fertilizer on carbon stocks in subtropical soil under no-tillage. Geoderma. 2021;386:114913.
). In addition, the combination of organic fertilization with NT and the use of fertilizers with high organic matter stability can recover SOC quickly (Nicoloso et al., 2016Nicoloso RS, Rice CW, Amado TJC. Kinetic to saturation model for simulation of soil organic carbon increase to steady state. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2016;80:147-56.
). Thus, organic fertilizers with high dry matter content and C : N ratio, as those based on pig slurry (PS) and poultry litter (PL), add high quantities of C, which contributes to soil C stocks (Romanyà et al., 2012Romanyà J, Arco N, Solà-Morales I, Armengot L, Sans FX. Carbon and nitrogen stocks and nitrogen mineralization in organically managed soils amended with composted manures. J Environ Qual. 2012;41:1337-47.
; Domingo-Olivé et al., 2016Domingo-Olivé F, Bosch-Serra AD, Yagüe MR, Poch RM, Boixadera J. Long term application of dairy cattle manure and pig slurry to winter cereals improves soil quality. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2016;104:39-51.
). Applications of PS by injection can reduce C and N losses in form of atmospheric emissions and volatilization, respectively, contributing to SOC storage (Federolf et al., 2017Federolf CP, Westerschulte M, Olfs HW, Broll G, Trautz DF. Nitrogen dynamics following slurry injection in maize: Crop development. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys. 2017;107:19-31.
; Francisco et al., 2022Francisco CAL, Loss A, Brunetto G, Gonzatto R, Giacomini SJ, Aita C, Piccolo MC, Torres JLR, Marchezan C, Scopel G, Vidal RF. Carbon and nitrogen in particle-size fractions of organic matter of soils fertilised with surface and injected applications of pig slurry. Soil Res. 2021;60:65-72.

In view of the importance of a more in-depth understanding of the separate and combined effects of soil tillage and fertilization on the temporal dynamics of soil C and N stocks, this study analyzed the effect of different soil tillage and fertilizers on C and N cycling and stocks in six layers (0.00-0.60 m) of a Rhodic Nitisol (Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico) from 2012 to 2021.


Characterization and history of the experimental area

The study was conducted in an experimental area in Concórdia, Santa Catarina State, Brazil (27° 18’ 53” S; 51° 59’ 25” W). The regional climate is humid subtropical (Cfa), according to Köppen’s classification system, with annual means of 18 °C and 1,800 mm rainfall. The soil was classified as Rhodic Nitisol, according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2022IUSS Working Group WRB. World Reference Base for Soil Resources. International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps. 4th edition. Vienna, Austria: International Union of Soil Sciences; 2022.), which corresponds to a Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico, by the Brazilian Soil Classification System (SiBCS) (Santos et al., 2018Santos HG, Jacomine PKT, Anjos LHC, Oliveira VA, Lumbreras JF, Coelho MR, Almeida JA, Araújo Filho JC, Oliveira JB, Cunha TJF. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos. 5. ed. rev. ampl. Brasília, DF: Embrapa; 2018.).

This study is part of a long-term experiment initiated in April 2012, in an area previously covered with natural grassland. The pasture consisted mainly of the subtropical grass Paspalum notatum, which was glyphosate-desiccated in April 2012. Before that, at the beginning of the study in March 2012, soil samples were collected from the surface layer (0.00-0.10 m) using a Dutch auger, to determine particle-size and chemical properties (Claessen, 1997Claessen MEC. Manual de métodos de análise de solo. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa Solos; 1997.). Clay, silt and sand contents were found to be 250, 460 and 290 g kg-1, respectively, and the chemical properties: pH(H2O) 5.3; pHSMP 5.8; Al3+ 0.3 cmolc dm-3; organic matter 39.0 g kg-1; PMehlich-1 6.6 mg dm-3; KMehlich-1 250 mg dm-3; Ca2+ 7.5 cmolc dm-3; Mg2+ 3.3 cmolc dm-3; cation exchange capacity (CEC) 11.9 cmolc dm-3; and base saturation 68 % (Grave et al., 2015Grave RA, Nicoloso RS, Cassol PC, Aita C, Corrêa JC, Costa MD, Fritz DD. Short-term carbon dioxide emission under contrasting soil disturbance levels and organic amendments. Soil Till Res. 2015;146:184-92.

Two weeks after pasture desiccation, the soil was plowed with a disc plow to incorporate 2.0 Mg ha-1 of limestone into the 0.00-0.20 m layer, to raise the soil pH to 6.0. Then, black oat (Avena strigosa L. (Scherb) was planted for mulch production. Treatments were first applied in October 2012, when corn (Zea mays L.) was planted for the first time. Corn-winter black oat was rotated in all plots in all experimental years. Corn was sown between September 15 and October 31, according to the climate conditions of each year. Black oat was sown between March 15 and April 15 and was glyphosate-desiccated at full flowering, approximately 20 days before sowing corn.

Treatments and experimental design

Treatments consisted of combinations of two soil tillage practices and five fertilizers. Tillage methods were conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT); and the fertilizers tested from 2012 to 2018 were pig slurry (PS), biodigested PS (PS-B); composted PS (PS-C); combined mineral fertilizer (NPK); and a control treatment (CTR). From 2019 onwards, treatment PS-B was replaced by injected PS (PS-I) and PS-C by poultry litter (PL). Soil under CT was prepared by disc plowing once and harrowing once before planting corn and harrowing twice before sowing black oat. The sources of N, P and K in the mineral fertilizer treatment were urea, triple superphosphate and potassium chloride, respectively.

Organic fertilizers PS and PS-I were excretes from finishing pigs raised on a pig farm of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa Swine and Poultry), collected from open anaerobic storage tanks. All fertilizers were broadcast on the soil surface, except for PS-I, which was injected into the soil. The latter procedure was carried out with a liquid fertilizer distributor with an incorporator (Mepel), which opens a furrow in the soil into which the fertilizer is injected. Poultry litter was acquired from broiler farms, prioritizing chicken beds with at least seven finished lots.

Prio to application, the organic fertilizers were analyzed for dry matter content at 65 °C, total carbon (C) and nitrogen (TN) by dry combustion, TN and ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH4) by the Kjeldahl method and nitrate (N-NO3) and nitrite contents (N-NO2) by flow injection. Nutrient contents were also determined: phosphorus (P) by spectrophotometry; potassium (K) by plasma spectrometry; calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) by atomic absorption and pH by potentiometry (Table 1). All extraction methods and analyses followed the standard protocol (Brasil, 2014Brasil. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Secretaria de Defesa Agropecuária. Coordenação Geral de Apoio Laboratorial, Murilo Carlos Muniz Veras. Manual de métodos analíticos oficiais para fertilizantes minerais, orgânicos, organominerais e corretivos. Brasília, DF: MAPA/SDA/CGAL; 2014.).

Table 1
Characteristics and application rates of fertilizers used in the treatments (2012-2021)

Fertilizers were applied once a year, broadcast on the soil surface, always after black oat desiccation and soil tilling in the CT plots. Fertilizer rates were established to ensure the same amount of total N (140 kg N ha-1) in the treatments, except the control treatment, which was not fertilized. It was considered that 100 % of the manure N is available for the crop to be fertilized, i.e., equivalent to mineral. From 2019 onwards, PS-C was replaced by PL and the application rate was raised to 200 kg N ha-1 to ensure an equivalent amount (140 kg) to the other fertilizers, based on the N release index of this fertilizer of 70 % (CQFS-RS/SC, 2016Comissão de Química e Fertilidade do Solo - CQFS-RS/SC. Manual de calagem e adubação para os Estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina. 11. ed. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo - Núcleo Regional Sul; 2016.).

Nitrogen rate was calculated for an expected corn yield of 8.7 Mg ha-1, corresponding to the average yield in the region (CQFS-RS/SC, 2016). As the fertilizer rate was calculated to adjust N rates, the P and K quantities varied, depending on the fertilizer source. Therefore, when the quantity of the latter two nutrients in the organic fertilizers was lower than recommended for corn, complementary mineral fertilizer (triple superphosphate and potassium chloride, respectively) was added. Thus, in all treatments except the control, 140 kg N ha-1 and at least 115 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 77 kg K2O ha-1 were applied annually (CQFS-RS/SC, 2016Comissão de Química e Fertilidade do Solo - CQFS-RS/SC. Manual de calagem e adubação para os Estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina. 11. ed. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo - Núcleo Regional Sul; 2016.).

Corn and black oat were sown using a seeder with cutting discs, subsoiler shanks and double disc openers. The plant density of corn and black oat were 60.000-65.000 ha-1 and 200 - 250 m-2, respectively. Corn was mechanically harvested and crop residues were left on the soil surface. All other cultural practices were applied according to the usual technical recommendations for each crop.

In a split-plot arrangement, a randomized block design with four replications was used for the experiment. The 10 × 25 m plots corresponded to the two soil tillage methods and the 10 × 5 m subplots to the fertilizer sources.

Estimated carbon and nitrogen input

Carbon and N inputs via biomass production were estimated by annual sampling and determination of total dry matter produced by corn and black oat. Corn grain was sampled at physiological maturity and at harvest; four random plants per subplot were cut at the ground level. Grains of both crops were sampled and dried to constant weight at 65 °C.

Corn yield was determined by harvesting the grain of two meters of the planting row, at three points of the subplot, to blend a composite sample of each subplot. The grains were threshed and weighed; a subsample was dried at 65 °C to constant weight to determine the moisture content. The grain moisture content was adjusted to 13 % and corn yield expressed in Mg ha-1

These data were used to determine the harvest index (HI), which is the grain-to-shoot weight (stalk, leaves and cob) ratio of the plant. The HI was calculated by equation 1.

HI = G ( G + SW ) (1)

in which: G and SW are the grain and shoot weight, respectively (kg). Dry grain weight was used to estimate corn shoot weight per area (Mg ha-1), based on the HI.

Black oat was sampled at full flowering, that is, soon before desiccation, to determine shoot dry weight. The plants were cut at the ground level in each subplot, in an area of 0.25 m2 delimited by a metal square. Samples were dried at 65 °C to constant weight and shoot weight was expressed in Mg ha-1.

In 2014, corn roots were sampled to determine the root-to-shoot weight ratio at physiological maturity. Trenches were opened to collect root samples on the edge of each subplot under CT and NT treated with mineral fertilizer. Data of these samples were extrapolated to the other treatments and years to estimate root weight in each year. Root samples were collected from soil blocks (0.80 × 0.50 m) in the layers 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.30 m. Soil blocks with 3-4 corn plants were taken from the center corn rows in the sampled area. Corn shoots were removed and then the soil blocks were crumbled by hand to preserve the roots.

Soil was removed from the roots by washing the material in tap water on a 2-mm sieve. Shoots and roots were dried at 65 °C to constant weight. The C and N contents of all shoot, grain and root samples were analyzed in the laboratory, by the same methodology as described for organic fertilizer.

Soil sampling and analyses

Soil was sampled in March 2012 and May 2021, to determine total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate N (PN), mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) and mineral-associated N (MAN) contents. Samples were collected using a hydraulic auger; 5-cm diameter undisturbed soil cylinders were taken to the depth of 0.60 m. Two samples per subplot were collected, from the 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30, 0.30-0.40 and 0.40-0.60 m layers. Soil particulate (POC and PN) and mineral-associated (MAOC and MAN) fractions were evaluated only in the four upper layers (0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30m). Each cylinder was immediately measured and separated according to the evaluated layers, avoiding contamination between layers. The two subsamples of each layer were joined in one composite sample per subplot and weighed soon after collection.

Aliquots of approximately 10 g of each soil sample were dried at 105 °C to constant weight to determine the moisture content. This was the basis to determine the dry weight of the entire sample and, then, bulk density and soil weight of each layer (Mg m-3 and Mg ha-1, respectively) (Wendt and Hauser, 2013Wendt JW, Hauser S. An equivalent soil mass procedure for monitoring soil organic carbon in multiple soil layers. Eur J Soil Sci. 2013;64:58-65.

The remaining soil of the samples was crumbled by hand, air-dried, sieved (<2 mm); roots and plant fragments were removed and the samples were stored for later analysis. Subsamples of approximately 5 g were ground in an agate mortar to determine total organic carbon (TOC) and N contents in an elemental analyzer.

Particle-size of SOM was analyzed by the method described by Cambardella and Elliott (1992)Cambardella CA, Elliott ET. Particulate soil organic-matter changes across a grassland cultivation sequence. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1992;56:777-83.
. Twenty grams of soil were dispersed in 100 mL flasks containing 60 mL of a sodium hexametaphosphate solution (5 g L-1). The flasks were shaken for 16 h and the dispersed soil was sieved (<53 μm) under distilled water. The retained soil fraction was transferred to an aluminum tray and dried at 65 °C to constant weight. The through-sieved fraction (>53 μm) was collected in another aluminum tray and dried at 65 °C to constant weight. Both fractions were ground in an agate mortar and then analyzed to determine soil C and N contents by dry combustion.

Carbon and N contents in the >53 μm fraction were termed particulate organic C (POC) and particulate N (PN). Carbon and N contents in the fraction <53 μm were denominated mineral-associated organic C and mineral-associated N (MAOC and MAN). Total organic carbon and TN stocks and other particle-size fractions were calculated at equivalent soil mass (Wendt and Hauser, 2013Wendt JW, Hauser S. An equivalent soil mass procedure for monitoring soil organic carbon in multiple soil layers. Eur J Soil Sci. 2013;64:58-65.
), based on the reference values of 2012 of each soil layer.

Statistical analysis

Data were subjected to analysis of variance and the means compared by Tukey’s test at 5 % probability.


Carbon input to the soil surface

Carbon added in the crop shoots throughout the nine experimental years, together with fertilizer C, contributed to soil C stocks (Table 2). Soil tillage methods (CT and NT) did not differ in amount of C added by corn; however, in general, the fertilizers NPK, PS and PS-I increased C soil input (4.60 to 4.73 Mg ha-1 yr-1) over the CTR. Carbon inputs were lowest in the treatments PL and CTR (4.05 and 3.67 Mg ha-1 yr-1, respectively).

Table 2
Above–ground carbon input on the surface of a Rhodic Nitisol treated with different soil tillage and fertilization methods, between 2012 and 2021

Carbon input by black oat did not differ either between the tillage methods (Table 2). However, with respect to the fertilizer effect, regardless of the soil tillage method, PS-I added 1.85 Mg C ha-1 yr-1, which was significantly more than the control and the chemical fertilizer (NPK) treatments.

Total C input to the soil included the contribution of the fertilizers and of corn and black oat dry matter (Table 2). No difference was found between the tillage methods, but differences were observed among fertilizers. Poultry litter was the fertilizer that most added C over time (mean of 2.68 Mg ha-1 yr-1), followed by PS and PS-I (0.92 and 0.48 Mg ha-1 yr-1, respectively). This carbon input reflected on the total amounts, with higher means in response to PL than to the other treatments (total of 8.08 Mg C ha-1 yr-1). The means of the other organic fertilizers, PS and PS-I, were lower than that of PL, but higher than those of NPK and CTR, resulting in total inputs of 6.95 and 6.85 Mg C ha-1 yr-1, respectively.

Total soil C and N stocks

Evaluations in 2021 detected no significant differences in total organic carbon (TOC) and total N (TN) stocks among the fertilizer treatments. However, significant effects of soil tillage on C stocks were found in the layers 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Total organic C stocks (a) and total N (b) in the 0.00-0.60 m soil layer of a Rhodic Nitisol in 2012, under natural pasture and in 2021, after nine years of corn - black oat rotation, under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) management.

Carbon stocks in the 0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m layers were higher under NT; the C stock in the 0.10-0.20 m layer was highest under CT (Figure 1a). In the 0.00-0.05 m layer, after nine years of agricultural use, NT induced an increase of nearly 1 Mg C ha-1, and CT a decrease of approximately 0.5 Mg C ha-1, compared to the initial stocks of 2012. In the 0.05-0.10 m layer, the difference was also significant, with an increase of approximately 0.8 Mg C ha-1 under NT and preserved C stocks under CT.

Carbon stocks in the 0.10-0.20 m layer in 2021 under both soil tillage forms were higher than those in 2012. However, CT stored approximately 0.3 Mg ha-1 more C than NT in this layer. In the 0.20-0.30 m layer, the soil tillage treatments were not significantly different from each other, but increased the C stocks compared to 2012. No changes in the C stocks of 2012 were observed in layers below 0.30 m, with no significant difference between soil tillage methods (Figure 1a). In 2021, TN was not different among the samples of the different soil layers (Figure 1b). However, N stocks increased down to a depth of 0.40 m, compared to those in 2012, mainly in the 0.20-0.30 m layer.

For the total C and N stocks, i.e., the additional C and N accumulation in the period from March 2012 to May 2021, in the 0.00-0.30 m layer, soil tillage affected total organic C significantly (Figure 2a). In 2021, NT had accumulated approximately 17.4 Mg C ha-1, twice as much as under CT (8.7 Mg ha-1). Total organic C stocks accumulated in the 0.00-0.60 m layer were not significantly different between soil tillage methods. Nevertheless, the numerical values of the sum of accumulated C in all evaluated layers were different; the lack of statistical difference between soil tillage methods was attributed to the high coefficient of variation for the means.

Figure 2
Variation in total organic carbon stocks (a) and total N (b) in the 0.00-0.30 and 0.00-0.60 m layers of a Rhodic Nitisol after nine years of corn - black oat rotation under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT).

The sum of cumulative TN did not differ significantly between soil tillage methods (Figure 2b). However, both tillage methods resulted in higher N contents in the soil profile than in 2012 (baseline value of 0 Mg ha-1). Although the different sources of organic soil fertilizers had no significant effect on the soil C and N stocks, the variation in the results indicated that long-term monitoring is interesting to determine the effects of organic fertilization on the C and N stocks.

Carbon and nitrogen stocks in particulate organic matter

In 2021, the C and of N stocks of the particulate fraction (>53 μm) were not significantly affected by the applied fertilizers. Under NT, POC stocks in the surface layers (0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m) were higher, exceeding the initial values (2012) and approximately 2 Mg ha-1 cm-1 higher than under CT. In the layers below 0.10 m, soil tilling maintained the POC levels, which were higher than the initial contents (Figure 3a).

Figure 3
Organic C stocks (POC) (a) and N (PN) (b) contained in the particulate fraction (>53 µm) of the 0.00-0.30 m layer of a Rhodic Nitisol under grassland in 2012 and after nine years of corn - black oat rotation under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) management.

The PN followed the same trend as POC, with higher accumulation in the surface layers (0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m) and higher stocks under NT than CT, accumulating approximately 170 kg N ha-1 cm-1 in 0.00-0.05 m and 50 ha-1 cm-1 in the 0.05-0.10 m layer (Figure 3b).

Accumulated POC and PN in the 0.00-0.30 m layer were higher in 2021 than at the beginning in 2012, under both tillage methods, but significantly higher under NT than CT (Figure 4). In this layer, POC and PN under NT had increased around 11.9 Mg ha-1 and 1.2 Mg ha-1, respectively, both with higher increases than under CT. The comparison between TOC and TN stocks of each layer (Figure 3) and the accumulated stocks (Figure 4) indicated that the difference in accumulated stocks in the 0.00-0.30 m layer was due to increases in POC and TN contents in the two uppermost layers (0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m). This shows that the tillage management influences the upper layers and that SOC accumulation owing to the management system occurs mainly in more recent formations, as in the case of POC, which is physically protected within soil aggregates.

Figure 4
Variation in stocks of particulate organic carbon (POC) (a) and particulate nitrogen (PN) (b) in the 0.00-0.30 m layer of a Rhodic Nitisol after nine years of corn - black oat rotation under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) management.

Soil mineral-associated C and N stocks

The effect of the treatments (fertilizers and soil tillage methods) was not significant for the C and N stocks associated with minerals (MAOC and MAN). However, both NT and CT decreased MAOC contents (Figure 5a) in the surface layers (0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m), compared to the baseline values (2012); for MAN, this result was found only in the 0.00-0.05 m layer. The MAOC and MAN contents increased in the 0.10-0.20 m layer under CT and in the 0.20-0.30 m layer under both tillage methods (Figure 5b).

Figure 5
Stocks of mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) (a) and mineral-associated N (MAN) (b) in the 0.00-0.30 m layer of a Rhodic Nitisol under grassland in 2012 and after nine years of corn - black oat rotation under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) management.

No significant difference between soil tillage methods were found in the 0.00-0.30 m layer; however, higher MAOC losses were detected under NT, compared to the results found in 2012 (Figure 6a). The MAN fraction increased compared to the baseline values, with an approximately 1.2 Mg ha-1 higher MAN storage under CT than NT (Figure 6b).

Figure 6
Variation in stocks of mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) (a) and nitrogen (MAN) (b) in the 0.00-0.30 m layer of a Rhodic Nitisol after nine years of corn and black oat rotation under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) management.

Fertilizer treatments had significant effects on MAN in the 0.00-0.30 m layer (Table 3), with lower values in the CTR than the NPK, PL and PS treatments under CT. Soil under NPK, PL, PS and PS-I approximately 3.18, 2.28, 2.16 and 1.31 Mg ha-1 more MAN, respectively, was stored than under CTR. Fertilizers had no significant effect on MAN under NT. Considering the soil tillage methods for each fertilizer, MAN was higher in the treatments NPK and PS (2.96 and 2.27 Mg ha-1, respectively), under CT than NT.

Table 3
Stocks of mineral-associated nitrogen (MAN) in response to different fertilizers in the 0.00-0.30 m layer of a Rhodic Nitisol after nine years of corn and back oat rotation under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage system (NT)


Total soil C and N stocks

Increases or decreases in soil C and N contents are mainly related to the entries into and exits from (inputs and losses) the system. If inputs exceed the losses, C and N stocks increase. Different fertilizers represented inputs with different quantities of C (Table 2). However, although the initial C input was higher from PS-C and PL, this was not necessarily a key factor that resulted directly in higher C stocks. Several factors, mainly crop biomass yield can be related to this result. Thus, the high N contents in stable organic forms, with low mineralization (Giacomini and Aita, 2008Giacomini SJ, Aita C. Cama sobreposta e dejetos líquidos de suínos como fonte de nitrogênio ao milho. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2008;32:195-205.
; Rogeri et al., 2016Rogeri DA, Ernani PR, Mantovani A, Lourenço KS. Composition of poultry litter in southern Brazil. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2016;40:e0140697.
) in PS-C and PL fertilizers resulted in a lower corn biomass production and, consequently, lower C input.

With regard to the sum of C inputs by fertilizers and crop biomass production (Table 2), the fertilizers did not result in different cumulative C and N stocks, although the treatments PS-C and PL added higher amounts of C throughout the nine experimental years. Probably, more time would be needed to be able to show significant effects of organic fertilization in evaluations (Rodrigues et al., 2021Rodrigues LAT, Giacomini SJ, Aita C, Lourenzi CR, Brunetto G, Bacca A,Ceretta CA. Short- and long-term effects of animal manures and mineral fertilizer on carbon stocks in subtropical soil under no-tillage. Geoderma. 2021;386:114913.
). However, the effects of soil tillage methods on SOM dynamics are usually higher than those of N fertilization (Man et al., 2021Man M, Tosi M, Dunfield KE, Hooker DC, Simpson MJ. Tillage management exerts stronger controls on soil microbial community structure and organic matter molecular composition than N fertilization. Agr Ecosyst Environ. 2021;336:108028.

After nine experimental years, C contents in the surface layers (0.00-0.05 and 0.05-0.10 m) were higher under NT than under CT and compared to the baseline values (2012), since NT is a conservation tillage method that preserves soil macroaggregates that constitute a physical protection for C (Six et al., 2004Six J, Bossuyt H, Degryze S, Denef K. A history of research on the link between (micro)aggregates, soil biota, and soil organic matter dynamics. Soil Till Res. 2004;79:7-31.
). In addition, soil tillage methods with no plowing or minimal soil disturbance reduce aeration and increase soil temperature, factors that can stimulate the microbial activity, accelerating SOM decomposition and mineralization, which occur intensely under CT. Soil managements that contribute to the preservation of recently-formed macroaggregates lead to greater SOM stabilization in microaggregates contained within stable macroaggregates form (Six and Paustian, 2014Six J, Paustian K. Aggregate-associated soil organic matter as an ecosystem property and a measurement tool. Soil Biol Biochem. 2014;79:7-31.
). Under NT, high crop residue inputs and little soil disturbance favor soil aggregation and increase the physical protection of C and N in the aggregates. This is also favorable for the organo-mineral interaction, as it reduces the oxidative potential of SOM by increasing C and N stocks, compared to CT (Tiecher et al., 2020Tiecher T, Gubiani E, Santanna MA, Veloso MG, Calegari A, Canalli LBS, Finckh MR, Caner L, Rheinheimer DS. Effect of 26-years of soil tillage systems and winter cover crops on C and N stocks in a Southern Brazilian Oxisol. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2020;44:e0200029.
). Soil aggregate formation can also be stimulated by organic fertilization (Nicoloso et al., 2018Nicoloso RS, Rice CW, Amado TJC, Costa CN, Akley EK. Carbon saturation and translocation in a no-till soil under organic amendments. Agr Ecosyst Environ. 2018;264:73-84.
) and green manure (Tiecher et al., 2020Tiecher T, Gubiani E, Santanna MA, Veloso MG, Calegari A, Canalli LBS, Finckh MR, Caner L, Rheinheimer DS. Effect of 26-years of soil tillage systems and winter cover crops on C and N stocks in a Southern Brazilian Oxisol. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2020;44:e0200029.
). In addition, N fertilizer managements associated with conservation managements that stimulate crop residue input to the soil account for increases in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, mainly in the surface layers (Ferreira et al., 2018Ferreira AO, Amado TJC, Rice CW, Diaz DAR, Briedis C, Inagaki TM, Gonçalves DRP. Driving factors of soil carbon accumulation in Oxisols in long-term no-till systems of South Brazil. Sci Total Environ. 2018;622-623:735-42.

Total organic carbon stocks were higher in the upper layers under NT, as reported elsewhere (Sá et al., 2014Sá JCM, Tivet F, Lal R, Briedis C, Hartman DC, Santos JZ, Santos JB. Long-term tillage systems impacts on soil C dynamics, soil resilience and agronomic productivity of a Brazilian Oxisol. Soil Till Res. 2014;136:38-50.
; Rodrigues et al., 2021Rodrigues LAT, Giacomini SJ, Aita C, Lourenzi CR, Brunetto G, Bacca A,Ceretta CA. Short- and long-term effects of animal manures and mineral fertilizer on carbon stocks in subtropical soil under no-tillage. Geoderma. 2021;386:114913.
). In a 24-year study on a Gleysol under different N fertilizer rates and soil tillage methods in Canada, no changes in total SOC contents were observed (Man et al., 2021Man M, Tosi M, Dunfield KE, Hooker DC, Simpson MJ. Tillage management exerts stronger controls on soil microbial community structure and organic matter molecular composition than N fertilization. Agr Ecosyst Environ. 2021;336:108028.
). This suggests that climate and environmental factors also affect these dynamics; thus, studying these factors under different soil and climate conditions is important. Another study showed that winter cover crops influence soil C and N accumulation rates more than the soil tillage method (Tiecher et al., 2020Tiecher T, Gubiani E, Santanna MA, Veloso MG, Calegari A, Canalli LBS, Finckh MR, Caner L, Rheinheimer DS. Effect of 26-years of soil tillage systems and winter cover crops on C and N stocks in a Southern Brazilian Oxisol. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2020;44:e0200029.

In the 0.10-0.20 m layer, the C stock was higher under CT than NT. This can be attributed to soil plowing, by which organic surface residues are mechanically reincorporated into soil subsurface layers, contributing to the redistribution of TOC from the surface to deeper layers (Jagadamma and Lal, 2010Jagadamma S, Lal R. Distribution of organic carbon in physical fractions of soils as affected by agricultural management. Biol Fertil Soils. 2010;46:543-54.

In the other layers (0.20-0.30, 0.30-0.40 and 0.40-0.60 m), TOC was not affected by the soil tillage method. It was expected that deeper layers would be less influenced by tillage methods and fertilization, but evaluating them is important nonetheless, to assess the dynamics of C stocks or losses in the entire profile to avoid over- or underestimation (Blanco-Canqui et al., 2021Blanco-Canqui H, Shapiro C, Jasa P, Iqbal J. No-till and carbon stocks: Is deep soil sampling necessary? Insights from long-term experiments. Soil Till Res. 2021;206:104840.
). Monitoring the entire soil profile over time allows for a precise assessment of the C and N dynamics, since after many years of evaluation, SOC stocks in the surface layer (0.00-0.20 m) may continue to increase linearly under NT. An evaluation of the entire soil profile (0.00-1.00 m) on the other hand, detected no differences between soil tillage methods, as the stocks are redistributed across the soil profile (Veloso et al., 2019Veloso MG, Cecagno D, Bayer C. Legume cover crops under no-tillage favor organomineral association in microaggregates and soil C accumulation. Soil Till Res. 2019;190:139-46.
; Tiecher et al., 2020Tiecher T, Gubiani E, Santanna MA, Veloso MG, Calegari A, Canalli LBS, Finckh MR, Caner L, Rheinheimer DS. Effect of 26-years of soil tillage systems and winter cover crops on C and N stocks in a Southern Brazilian Oxisol. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2020;44:e0200029.
; Locatelli et al., 2022Locatelli JL, Santos RS, Cherubin MR, Cerri CEP. Changes in soil organic matter fractions induced by cropland and pasture expansion in Brazil’s new agricultural frontier. Geoderma Reg. 2022;28:e00474.

Total accumulated N (TN) was not affected by the soil tillage methods. However, both methods led to higher cumulative N in the soil profile after nine experimental years, compared to the baseline values. This may be a result of the annual soil fertilization, which contributed to maintain SOM. These findings indicate that NT contributes to raise TOC and TN stocks, mainly in the soil surface layers.

Particulate and mineral-associated soil C and N

Particulate organic C (POC) and particulate N (PN) are more sensitive fractions of SOM than the mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) and mineral-associated organic nitrogen (MAN) fractions. They represent >53-μm diameter particles, which corresponds to the soil sand fraction (Cambardella and Elliott, 1992Cambardella CA, Elliott ET. Particulate soil organic-matter changes across a grassland cultivation sequence. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1992;56:777-83.
). This fraction has a faster turnover rate and was formed more recently, mainly by the incomplete decomposition of plant residues and fertilizers. The percentage of this fraction depends on continuous replenishment by plant residue inputs, which is the reason why it is used as indicator of short-term effects of soil tillage methods (Bayer et al., 2001Bayer C, Martin-Neto L, Mielniczuk J, Pillon CN, Sangoi L. Changes in soil organic matter fractions under subtropical no-till cropping systems. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2001;65:1473-8.
, 2002Bayer C, Martin-Neto L, Mielniczuk J, Saab SC, Milori MBP, Bagnato VS. Tillage and cropping system effects on soil humic acid characteristics as determined by electron spin resonance and fluorescence spectroscopies. Geoderma, 2002;105:81-92.
). This effect was observed in this study, where increases in TOC stocks under NT also occurred in the POC fraction, mainly in the surface layers.

Changes in soil use and management can reduce soil C and N stocks; however, conservation practices can reduce or avoid these decreases (Wuaden et al., 2020Wuaden CR, Nicoloso RS, Barros EC, Grave RA. Early adoption of no-till mitigates soil organic carbon and nitrogen losses due to land use change. Soil Till Res. 2020;204:104728.
; Locatelli et al., 2022Locatelli JL, Santos RS, Cherubin MR, Cerri CEP. Changes in soil organic matter fractions induced by cropland and pasture expansion in Brazil’s new agricultural frontier. Geoderma Reg. 2022;28:e00474.
). A previous study that evaluated the same experiment five years after implementation showed increases in POC in response to conservation practices (Wuaden et al., 2020Wuaden CR, Nicoloso RS, Barros EC, Grave RA. Early adoption of no-till mitigates soil organic carbon and nitrogen losses due to land use change. Soil Till Res. 2020;204:104728.
). The POC and PN stocks increased mainly in the surface layers, both in the same proportion. Changes in N contents in different soil layers are usually reflected in alterations in C levels (Cambardella and Elliott, 1992Cambardella CA, Elliott ET. Particulate soil organic-matter changes across a grassland cultivation sequence. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1992;56:777-83.

Minimum tillage and high input of organic matter contribute to increase the concentrations of labile C fractions (POC) in the soil (Bongiorno et al., 2019Bongiorno G. Bünemann EK, Oguejiofor CU, Meier J, Gort G, Comans R, Mäder P, Brussaard L, Goede R. Sensitivity of labile carbon fractions to tillage and organic matter management and their potential as comprehensive soil quality indicators across pedoclimatic conditions in Europe. Ecol Indic. 2019;99:38-50.
). This increase can be ascribed to the characteristics of organic matter deposition, the biochemical composition, vegetation type, soil biodiversity, biomass input, management practices, and climate and soil conditions (Derrien et al., 2023Derrien D, Barré P, Basile-Doelsch I, Cécillon L, Chabbi A, Crème A, Fontaine S, Henneron L, Janot N, Lashermes G, Quénéa K, Dignac MF. Current controversies on mechanisms controlling soil carbon storage: implications for interactions with practitioners and policy-makers. A review. Agron Sustain Dev. 2023;43:21.

Particulate organic matter accumulation is higher in regions with colder climates, e.g., in coniferous forests of northern Europe and regions with frequent floods. It is however worth mentioning that this accumulation may be a result of microbial inhibition under specific regional conditions (Lugato et al., 2021Lugato E, Lavallee JM, Haddix ML, Panagos P, Cotrufo MF. Different climate sensitivity of particulate and mineral-associated soil organic matter. Nat Geosci. 2021;14:295-300.

Mineral-associated soil fraction is considered more stable, with medium- to long-term formation and accumulation. However, MAOC and MAN decreased in the upper layers. This effect can be attributed to changes in the soil use, from native vegetation to agriculture, which may decrease C contents associated with the silt+clay fraction due to aggregate breakdown in agricultural areas, increasing the exposure of C to microbial action (Andrade et al., 2013Andrade AP. Estoque e frações de carbono e atributos físicos em Nitossolo Vermelho relacionados à aplicação de esterco em sistemas de produção [thesis]. Lages: Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina; 2013.). Another effect resulting from the land-use change from native vegetation to NT is the decrease in MAOC in the 0.30-0.60 m layer and increase in POC in surface layers. This study showed that the losses in MAOC were compensated by POC increases in the upper layers, as also stated by Locatelli et al. (2022)Locatelli JL, Santos RS, Cherubin MR, Cerri CEP. Changes in soil organic matter fractions induced by cropland and pasture expansion in Brazil’s new agricultural frontier. Geoderma Reg. 2022;28:e00474.

Experimental duration (9 years) may be another factor that can explain these facts, as long-term experiments have shown increases in POC and mineral-associated organic matter contents under NT due to the constant deposition of crop residues on the soil surface (Ferreira et al., 2020Ferreira CR, Neto ECS, Pereira MG, Guedes JN, Rosset JR, Anjos LHC. Dynamics of soil aggregation and organic carbon fractions over 23 years of no-till management. Soil Till Res. 2020;198:104533.
). The higher residue input over time and little soil disturbance under NT improves the physical protection of C and N in the aggregates and favors organo-mineral interaction, which reduces the soil oxidative potential and increases C and N stocks (Tiecher et al., 2020Tiecher T, Gubiani E, Santanna MA, Veloso MG, Calegari A, Canalli LBS, Finckh MR, Caner L, Rheinheimer DS. Effect of 26-years of soil tillage systems and winter cover crops on C and N stocks in a Southern Brazilian Oxisol. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2020;44:e0200029.
). Moreover, there is evidence that in temperate climates, in relatively organic-matter-poor soils, C tends to be stored as mineral-associated organic matter rather than as particulate organic matter (Cotrufo et al., 2019Cotrufo MF, Ranalli MG, Haddix ML, Six J, Lugato E. Soil carbon storage informed by particulate and mineral-associated organic matter. Nat Geosci. 2019;12:989-94.

Persistence of particulate organic matter is controlled mainly by microbial and enzymatic inhibition and some short-term occlusion in aggregates. Mineral-associated organic matter, on the other hand, is protected from decomposition by organo-mineral interactions with amorphous Al, Fe and Mn and may be susceptible to changes in pH caused by land-use conversion (Pulleman et al., 2004Pulleman MM, Marinissen JCY. Physical protection of mineralizable C in aggregates from long-term pasture and arable soil. Geoderma. 2004;120:273-82.
; Lavallee et al., 2020Lavallee JM, Soong JL, Cotrufo MF. Conceptualizing soil organic matter into particulate and mineral-associated forms to address global change in the 21st century. Glob Change Biol. 2020;26:261-73.

A study of soils in different countries showed the importance of mineral protection for the preservation of organic C (Hemingway et al., 2019Hemingway JD, Rothman DH, Grant KE, Rosengard SZ, Eglinton TI, Derry LA, Galy VV. Mineral protection regulates long-term global preservation of natural organic carbon. Nature. 2019;570:228-31.
). However, C storage in the MAOC fraction is limited by the maximum saturation (Cotrufo et al., 2019Cotrufo MF, Ranalli MG, Haddix ML, Six J, Lugato E. Soil carbon storage informed by particulate and mineral-associated organic matter. Nat Geosci. 2019;12:989-94.
; Georgiou et al., 2022Georgiou K, Jackson RB, Vindušková O, Abramoff RZ, Ahlström A, Feng W, Harden JW, Pellegrini AFA, Polley HW, Soong JL, Riley WJ, Torn MS. Global stocks and capacity of mineral-associated soil organic carbon. Nat Commun. 2022;13:3797.
), whereas the size of particulate organic C (POC) seems to be unlimited. This fraction is therefore interesting for additional C storage and may be a promising option of increasing soil C storage with few mineral reactive phases. However, the C storage capacity of POC is still controversial, since the limited duration of this storage prior to POC degradation by decomposers may hamper its contribution to long-term increases in SOC stocks (Derrien et al., 2023Derrien D, Barré P, Basile-Doelsch I, Cécillon L, Chabbi A, Crème A, Fontaine S, Henneron L, Janot N, Lashermes G, Quénéa K, Dignac MF. Current controversies on mechanisms controlling soil carbon storage: implications for interactions with practitioners and policy-makers. A review. Agron Sustain Dev. 2023;43:21.


No-tillage increased carbon and nitrogen stocks in the soil surface layers (0.00-0.30 m), mainly in the most labile fractions (particulate organic carbon and particulate nitrogen). However, the nine experimental years were probably insufficient to clearly reflect the contributions of organic fertilizations combined with no-tillage management, by increases in soil C and N stocks, which requires further evaluations.

Soil tillage was the factor that most affected the carbon and nitrogen stocks in a Rhodic Nitisol in southern Brazil, under corn-black oat rotation, throughout the nine experimental years.

No-tillage crops, combined with fertilization to increase plant biomass production, increase soil C and N stocks, mainly in the most labile fractions, whereas there was no difference between the effects of organic and mineral fertilizers in this regard.


This study has been supported by the following Brazilian research agencies: UNIEDU/FUMDES, Embrapa Swine and Poultry Research Center and UDESC/CAV.

  • How to cite: Wuaden CR, Nicoloso RS, Cassol PC, Matias CA, Paweukievicz L.Carbon and nitrogen stocks in a Rhodic Nitisol under different soil tillage and mineral and organic fertilizers. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2023;47:e0230041


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Edited by

Editors: José Miguel Reichert Marcos Gervasio Pereira

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Dec 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    23 Apr 2023
  • Accepted
    28 Aug 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil