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Parameters of infiltration models affected by the infiltration measurement technique and land-use


The measurement method (MM) and the land-use (LU) are two soil structure-related attributes that are available in infiltration experiments. This study aims to hypothesize that measurement technique and land-use might be good predictors of the performance of infiltration parameter values and models. The Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG), which includes about 5000 experiments worldwide and assembled in the Institute of Agrosphere in Jülich, Germany, was used. Except for the known properties such as texture, measurement method, and land-use, changes were observed in organic carbon content, saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, pH, initial water content, and the electrical conductivity of saturated paste. Horton and Mezencev models outperformed from Green and Amp and Two-term Philip models, hence it has been seen that Horton and Mezencev models could be preferred according to the measurement method. To determine the most influential predictors of these two models’ parameters, the machine learning method “regression trees” was applied. In 80 % of cases for both models, the textural class, the MM (40 % of cases), and the LU were found as the most influential predictors. The accuracy of parameter estimates increased when a subset of measurements was used with the same method to estimate infiltration parameters. Textural class, LU, bulk density, and K sat were determined as the most influential predictors for the parameters of the Horton. However, textural class, LU, and organic carbon content became most important in the case of the Mezencev model. Overall, estimates of the infiltration equation parameters can be more accurate if they have been developed for the same MM as in the task at hand. The MM and the LU provide useful surrogate information about the effect of soil structure on infiltration.

water infiltration; soil structure; modeling; regression trees; measurement method


Infiltration is one of the major processes that control soil water flow and storage in soil-plant-atmosphere systems and runoff and groundwater recharge ( Hillel, 1980Hillel D. Fundamentals of soil physics. New York: Academic Press; 1980. ; Brutsaert, 2005Brutsaert W. Hydrology: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2005. ). Infiltration depends on soil properties, wetting rates, rainfall and irrigation characteristics, soil and crop management, and vegetation cover and type ( Vereecken et al., 2019Vereecken H, Weihermüller L, Assouline S, Simunek J, Ver-hoef A, Herbst M, Archer N, Mohanty B, Montzka C, Vanderborght J, Balsamo G, Bechtold M, Boone A, Chad-burn S, Cunz M, Decharme B, Ducharne A, Ek M, Garrigues S, Goergen K, Ingwersen J, Kollet S, Lawrence DM, Li Q, Or D, Swenson S, Vrese P, Walko R, Wu Y, Xue Y. Infiltration from the pedon to global grid scales: An overview and outlook for land surface modelling. Vadose Zone J. 2019;18:1-53.
). Infiltration rate is highly dependent on texture of soils ( Rawls, 1992Rawls WJ. Infiltration and soil water movement. Handbook of Hydrology. Nova York: McGraw-Hill Inc; 1992. ; Mohammadi and Refahi, 2006Mohammadi MH, Refahi HG. Estimation of infiltration through soil physical characteristics. J Iran Agr Sci. 2006;36:1391-8. ); and soil texture and structure affect the water holding capacity of the soil that controls the water accessibility in the soil ( Al-Azawi, 1985Al-Azawi SA. Experimental evaluation of infiltration models. J Hydrol (New Zealand). 1985;24:77-88. ; Mirzaee et al., 2014Mirzaee S, Zolfaghari AA, Gorji M, Dyck M, Dashtaki SG. Evaluation of infiltration models with different numbers of fitting parameters in different soil texture classes. Arch Agron Soil Sci. 2014;60:681-93.
). The contribution of macropores associated with the soil surface to the infiltration rate is determined by their origin, shape, structure, and twistiness ( Edwards, 1982Edwards WM. Predicting tillage effects on infiltration. In: Unger PW, Van Doren Jr DM, Whisler FD, Skidmore EL, editors. Predicting tillage effects on soil physical properties and processes. Madison: American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America; 1982. p. 105-15. (ASA Special Publications, 44).
). Therefore, the high infiltration rate in uncultivated soils is due to the macro-pore networks extending up to the surface, subjecting the macropore networks’ continuity in these soils ( Erşahin, 2001Erşahin S. Toprak Amenajmanı. Turkey: GOP Ziraat Fakültesi; 2001. (Ders Notları Serisi, 21). ). Soil organic carbon and soil bulk density are often highly related, and an increase in total soil organic carbon content reduces soil bulk density and improves water infiltration ( Franzluebbers, 2002Franzluebbers AJ. Water infiltration and soil structure related to organic matter and its stratification with depth. Soil Till Res. 2002;66:197-205.
). Modeling infiltration dynamics has a long history ( Green and Ampt, 1911Green WH, Ampt GA. Studies on soil physics: Part 1. The flow of air and water through soil. J Agric Sci. 1911;4:1-24.
; Kostiakov, 1932Kostiakov AN. On the dynamics of the co-efficient of water percolation in soils. In: Sixth commission. Trans Sixth Comm Int Soc Soil Sci. 1932;1:7-21. ; Horton, 1939Horton RE. Analysis of runoff-plat experiments with varying infiltration-capacity. Hydrology. 1939;20:693-711.
; Philip, 1957aPhilip JR. The theory of infiltration: 1. The infiltration equation and its solution. Soil Sci. 1957a;83:345-57. , bPhilip JR. The theory of infiltration: 4. Sorptivity and algebraic infiltration equations. Soil Sci. 1957b;84:257-64. ; Mein and Larson, 1973Mein RG, Larson CL. Modeling infiltration during a steady rain. Water Resour Res. 1973;9:384-94.
; Kao and Hunt, 1996Kao CS, Hunt JR. Prediction of wetting front movement during one-dimensional infiltration into soils. Water Resour Res. 1996;32:55-64.
; Argyrokastritis and Kerkides, 2003Argyrokastritis I, Kerkides P. A note to the variable sorptivity infiltration equation. Water Resour Manag. 2003;17:133-45.
; Dashtaki et al., 2009Dashtaki SG, Homaee M, Mahdian MH, Kouchakzadeh M. Site-dependence performance of infiltration models. Water Resour Manag. 2009;23:2777-90.
). Two groups of empirical infiltration equations were developed. One of the equation groups originated from the formulation of Horton (1941)Horton RE. An approach toward a physical interpretation of infiltration-capacity. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1941;5:399-417.
, and another group was based on the Kostiakov (1932)Kostiakov AN. On the dynamics of the co-efficient of water percolation in soils. In: Sixth commission. Trans Sixth Comm Int Soc Soil Sci. 1932;1:7-21. approach ( Vereecken et al., 2019Vereecken H, Weihermüller L, Assouline S, Simunek J, Ver-hoef A, Herbst M, Archer N, Mohanty B, Montzka C, Vanderborght J, Balsamo G, Bechtold M, Boone A, Chad-burn S, Cunz M, Decharme B, Ducharne A, Ek M, Garrigues S, Goergen K, Ingwersen J, Kollet S, Lawrence DM, Li Q, Or D, Swenson S, Vrese P, Walko R, Wu Y, Xue Y. Infiltration from the pedon to global grid scales: An overview and outlook for land surface modelling. Vadose Zone J. 2019;18:1-53.
). Later, these equations were modified and extended to be suitable for various initial and boundary conditions (Lewis, 1937; Mezencev, 1948Mezencev VJ. Theory of formation of the surface runoff. Meteorol Hidrol. 1948;3:33-40. ; Smith, 1972Smith RE. The infiltration envelope: results from a theoretical infiltrometer. J Hydrol. 1972;17:1-21.
; Furman et al., 2006Furman A, Warrick A, Zerihun D, Sanchez C. Modified Kostiakov ınfiltration function: Accounting for ınitial and boundary conditions. J Irrig Drain Eng. 2006;132:587-96.
; Parhi et al., 2007Parhi PK, Mishra SK, Singh R. A modification to Kostiakov and modified Kostiakov infiltration models. Water Resour Manag. 2007;21:1973-89.

Physics-based infiltration equations were developed along with empirical ones. The Green-Ampt model originally occurred to measure the ponded infiltration into uniform soil columns ( Green and Ampt, 1911Green WH, Ampt GA. Studies on soil physics: Part 1. The flow of air and water through soil. J Agric Sci. 1911;4:1-24.
) and is the earliest physically based conceptual infiltration model ( Mirzaee et al., 2014Mirzaee S, Zolfaghari AA, Gorji M, Dyck M, Dashtaki SG. Evaluation of infiltration models with different numbers of fitting parameters in different soil texture classes. Arch Agron Soil Sci. 2014;60:681-93.
). This model calculates many variables that indicate in-situ conditions and captures the water movement’s macroscale behavior in soils during infiltration ( Assouline, 2013Assouline S. Infiltration into soils: Conceptual approaches and solutions. Water Resour Res. 2013;49:1755-72. .
; Putte et al., 2013Putte AP, Covers G, Leys A, Langhans C, Clymans W, Diels J. Estimating the parameters of the Green-Ampt infiltration equation from rainfall simulation data: Why simpler is better. J Hydrol. 2013;476:332-44.
). Philip (1957a)Philip JR. The theory of infiltration: 1. The infiltration equation and its solution. Soil Sci. 1957a;83:345-57. solved the one-dimensional Richards equation by assuming that the soil’s hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity are soil water content functions ( Jhaa et al., 2019Jhaa MK, Mahapatra S, Mohan C, Pohshna C. Infiltration characteristics of lateritic vadose zones: Field experiments and modeling. Soil Till Res. 2019;187:219-34.
). This solution applies to the first infiltration stages into a relatively dry soil profile where gravity plays only a minor role ( Assouline, 2013Assouline S. Infiltration into soils: Conceptual approaches and solutions. Water Resour Res. 2013;49:1755-72. .

Many researchers have analyzed the accuracy of infiltration models by comparing the computed and observed infiltration rates or cumulative infiltration volumes for various soil textures, infiltration MMs, and region-specific soil properties ( Shukla et al., 2003bShukla MK, Owens LB, Unkefer P. Land-use and management impacts on structure and infiltration characteristics of soils in the North Appalachian Region of Ohio. Soil Sci. 2003b;168:167-77.
; Chahinian et al., 2005Chahinian N, Moussa R, Andrieux P, Voltz M. Comparison of infiltration models to simulate flood events at the field scale. J Hydrol. 2005;306:194-214.
; Dashtaki et al., 2009Dashtaki SG, Homaee M, Mahdian MH, Kouchakzadeh M. Site-dependence performance of infiltration models. Water Resour Manag. 2009;23:2777-90.
; Haghighi et al., 2010Haghighi F, Gorji M, Shorafa M, Sarmadian F, Mohammadi MH. Evaluation of some infiltration models and hydraulic parameters. Span J Agric Res. 2010;8:210-7.
; Mirzaee et al., 2014Mirzaee S, Zolfaghari AA, Gorji M, Dyck M, Dashtaki SG. Evaluation of infiltration models with different numbers of fitting parameters in different soil texture classes. Arch Agron Soil Sci. 2014;60:681-93.
; Philip et al., 2018Philip HJ, Gisilanbe SA, Gani AT, Joram TA. Infiltration models validation in a sandy loam soil in Zing, Taraba State. Asian J Soil Sci Plant Nutr. 2018;3:42878.
; Bayabil et al., 2019Bayabil HK, Dile YT, Tebebu TY, Engda TA, Stenhuis TS. Evaluating infiltration models and pedotransfer functions: implications for hydrologic modeling. Geoderma. 2019;338:159-69.
; Wang and Chu, 2020Wang N, Chu X. Revised Horton model for event and continuous simulations of infiltration. J Hydrol. 2020;589:125215.
). Substantial differences in model performance were reported ( Sihag et al., 2017Sihag P, Tiwari NK, Ranjan S. Estimation and inter-comparison of infiltration models. Water Sci. 2017;31:34-43.
). For example, the Horton model has been the best predictor for the infiltration under different tillage and rotations in a soil clay-loam in north-west Iran ( Mohammed, 2006Mohammed AH. Evaluation of Kostiakov, Horton and Philip’s infiltration equations as affected by tillage and rotation systems in a clay-loam soil of Northwest Iran. In: 18th Word Congress of Soil Science; 2006 July 9-15; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Philadelphia: International Union of Soil Sciences; 2006. ). Sihag et al. (2017)Sihag P, Tiwari NK, Ranjan S. Estimation and inter-comparison of infiltration models. Water Sci. 2017;31:34-43.
reported that Philip’s model provided the best fit in a wasteland in India ( Machiwal et al., 2006Machiwal D, Jha MK, Mal BC. Modelling infiltration and quantifying spatial soil variability in a wasteland of Kharagpur, India. Biosyst Eng. 2006;95:569-82.
). Dashtaki et al. (2009)Dashtaki SG, Homaee M, Mahdian MH, Kouchakzadeh M. Site-dependence performance of infiltration models. Water Resour Manag. 2009;23:2777-90.
evaluated Kostiakov, Mezencev, Horton, and Philip’s performance by the double-ring method under 123 different soil moisture, temperature regimes, and land-use in Iran. They concluded that the Mezencev model could provide the best site-independent performance. Haghighi et al. (2010)Haghighi F, Gorji M, Shorafa M, Sarmadian F, Mohammadi MH. Evaluation of some infiltration models and hydraulic parameters. Span J Agric Res. 2010;8:210-7.
used a double-ring infiltrometer at 48 sample points in Iran. They found that the Horton model overperformed the Mezencev and Philip models, and attributed that to differences in soil conditions such as soil particle size distribution. They noted that infiltration rate had a high dependency on the soil texture ( Rawls, 1992Rawls WJ. Infiltration and soil water movement. Handbook of Hydrology. Nova York: McGraw-Hill Inc; 1992. ; Mohammadi and Refahi, 2006Mohammadi MH, Refahi HG. Estimation of infiltration through soil physical characteristics. J Iran Agr Sci. 2006;36:1391-8. ). Shiraki et al. (2019)Shiraki S, Thu AK, Matsuno Y, Shinogi Y. Evaluation of infiltration models and field-saturated hydraulic conductivity in situ infiltration tests during the dry season. Paddy Water Environ. 2019;17:619-32.
evaluated five infiltration models (Philip, Swartzendruber, Brutsaert, Mezencev, and Horton). They noted that the Mezencev model exhibited the highest fitting performance, but fitted parameters sometimes had non-physical values. These authors reported that the Horton model was the most effective. Shukla et al. (2003a)Shukla MK, Lal R, Unkefer P. Experimental evaluation of infiltration models for different land-use and soil management systems. Soil Sci. 2003a;168:178-91.
analyzed ten infiltration models, and assessed the time dependence of infiltration parameters and the model accuracy precision using infiltration data from double-ring infiltrometer tests. The conclusion of this study stated that overall the three-parameter Horton model gave the best fit of infiltration data for most land-use types, including forest.

Modeling infiltration is an essential component of hydrological modeling in a wide range of applications. Therefore, predicting which infiltration model will perform better in site-specific conditions presents substantial interest. Developing such predictions belongs to the field of pedotransfer function development ( Van Looy et al., 2017Van Looy K, Bouma J, Herbst M, Koestel J, Minasny B, Mishra U, Montzka C, Nemes A, Pachepsky YA, Padarian J, Schaap MG. Pedotransfer functions in Earth system science: Challenges and perspectives. Rev Geophys. 2017;55:1199-256.
). We note that both measurement method and land-use are categorical variables that serve as predictors in the pedotransfer development for infiltration parameters. The ample examples show that the accuracy of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) relying on the categorical input variables (class PTFs) can be high, especially when they are developed for large regional or interregional databases. Rawls and Pachepsky (2002)Rawls WJ, Pachepsky YA. Using field topographic descriptors to estimate soil water retention. Soil Sci. 2002;167:423-35. developed accurate PTFs for the soil water content at -33kPa matric potential using mostly categorical variables such as textural class and hillslope position along with slope value. Lilly (2000)Lilly A. The relationship between field-saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil structure: development of class pedotransfer functions. Soil Use Manag. 2000;16:56-60.
presented class pedotransfer functions for saturated hydraulic conductivity where soil structural class served as one of the inputs. Nguyen et al. (2014)Nguyen PM, Van Le K, Cornelis WM. Using categorical soil structure information to improve soil water retention estimates of tropical delta soils. Soil Res. 2014;52:443-52.
were successful in using the categorical soil structure information to improve the water retention estimation. This type of pedotransfer function has the advantage of direct inputs from soil maps that contain the class rather than continuous information about soil basic properties. Developing PTF for infiltration parameters with all or the majority of inputs as categorical variables appears to be an exciting research avenue to explore. The main objective of this study was to determine which attributes may serve as predictors of the performance of different infiltration models and the parameter values in those models.



The database SWIG has been assembled in the Institute of Agrosphere in Yülich, Germany ( Rahmati et al., 2018Rahmati M, Weihermüller L, Vereecken H. Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG) Database [internet]. PANGAEA; 2018.
). Site-measurements (n = 5023) were obtained from more than 90 sources. Each dataset includes some soil properties from the following list: texture, organic carbon content, bulk density, particle density, saturated hydraulic conductivity (K sat ), saturated volumetric soil water content (WC s ), initial volumetric soil water content (WC i ), wet-aggregate stability (WAS), the electrical conductivity (EC), and pH. Most datasets include the infiltration measurement method (95 %) and land-use (76 %). Textural distributions of soils are given in figures 1a and 1b , and land-use types in figures 2c and 2d , and table 1 . Methods used for infiltration measurement of soils are presented in table 1 .

Figure 1
Histogram of textural distribution (a) and land-uses of the soils (b) ( Rahmati et al., 2018Rahmati M, Weihermüller L, Vereecken H. Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG) Database [internet]. PANGAEA; 2018.

Figure 2
Percentage of cases for the model being the best (a), and the average rank of models (one is the highest and four is the lowest) (b). RMSE: Root Mean Square Error; AICc: Akaike information criterion.

Table 1
Methods used in measurement and land-use types of soils ( Rahmati et al., 2018Rahmati M, Weihermüller L, Vereecken H. Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG) Database [internet]. PANGAEA; 2018.

Infiltration equations and their comparison and parameterization

Four selected infiltration models differ by their mathematical structure and the number of fitting parameters ( Table 2 ). The database analysis was exploratory and aimed to find the subdivision of the database into the most homogeneous groups of datasets with simultaneous determination of factors controlling the separation of those groups. Classification and Regression Trees (CART) algorithms are very efficient for that purpose as they create grips that are not only most homogeneous but also separated as far as possible from each other. Also, these algorithms provide very transparent results that are easy to interpret. In this study, we used the CART algorithm implemented in the R package ‘rpart’ with default control parameters, i.e., without setting the ‘control’ list in the call to the ‘rpart’ routine ( R Development Core Team, 2019R Development Core Team. R: The R project for statistical computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing; 2019. Available from: .
). This facilitated the exploration of the database structure. This algorithm splits datasets into two groups that are the most homogeneous internally and most dissimilar to each other with respect to the target variable ( De’ath and Fabricius, 2000De’ath G, Fabricius KE. Classification and regression trees: a powerful yet simple technique for ecological data analysis. Ecology. 2000;81:3178-92.[3178:CARTAP]2.0.CO;2
). The whole dataset is split into two subgroups, which, in turn, are divided into two subgroups each, etc., until groups become small and the algorithm ends. The predicted value of the target variable is the average within each of the final small groups when the algorithm is used as a regression tool. The algorithm works as a classifier if the target variables are categorical. In such a case, the target variable for the final small groups is found by voting among the datasets in these groups.

Table 2
Infiltration equations that were used in this study

The Akaike information criterion AIC c (Burnham and Anderson, 2002) was applied to select the best infiltration equation for each dataset ( Equation 1 ). This criterion was used in past pedotransfer studies of soil water retention curves and the comparison models of particle-size distribution data ( Minasny et al., 1999Minasny B, McBratney AB, Bristow KL. Comparison of different approaches to the development of pedotransfer functions for water-retention curves. Geoderma. 1999;93:225-53.
; Hwang et al., 2002Hwang S, Lee KP, Lee DS, Powers SE. Models for estimating soil particle-size distributions. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2002;66:1143-50.
; Hadzick et al., 2011Hadzick ZZ, Guber AK, Pachepsky YA, Hill RL. Pedotransfer functions in soil electrical resistivity estimation. Geoderma. 2011;164:195-202.
). This statistic was computed as:

A I C c = 2 p + n ln 2 π R S S n + 1 + 2 p ( p + 1 ) n p 1 Eq. 1

in which: p is the total number of the model parameters; n is the total number of observation times in the dataset; and RSS is the residual sum of squares for the cumulative infiltration. The determination coefficient ( Equation 2 ) and the root-mean-squared error ( Equation 3 ) were also computed.

R 2 = 1 i = 1 n x i y i 2 i = 1 n x i x ¯ 2 Eq. 2
R M S E = 1 n i = 1 n ( x y ) 2 Eq. 3

In equation 2 , x i and y i represent the actual and predicted values of the observed cumulative infiltration, respectively, and n is the number of observations.


The exploratory statistics of soil properties ( Rahmati et al., 2018Rahmati M, Weihermüller L, Vereecken H. Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG) Database [internet]. PANGAEA; 2018.
) are given in table 3 . The K sat , SAR (sodium adsorption ratio), EC, and OC values showed the highest coefficient of variation (CV%) compared with other soil variables. Soils in the database contain, on average, a relatively high percentage of OC (3.1 %), and sand and silt with 38.5 and 35.8 %, respectively ( Table 3 ).

Table 3
Exploratory statistics of some properties in SWIG database (N = 5023)

Comparing the four infiltration models’ performance showed that Horton and Mezencev models outperformed the two others ( Figure 2 ), and Horton or Mezencev models could be preferred according to the measurement method.

The regression tree algorithm showed that the measurement method, the textural class, and the land-use were the most influential predictors in 80 % of cases for both Horton and Mezencev models ( Figure 3 ), and clay, silt, and sand contents were used instead of the texture class ( Figure 4 ). Cumulative probability functions of the Horton and Mezencev models parameters across all datasets and across the datasets where Horton and Mezencev models were the best are given in figures 5 and 6 , respectively. According to the probability functions of the Horton and Mezencev models parameters, b 2 for Horton and b 1 for the Mezencev model ( Table 2 ) are found to be better than other parameters ( Figures 5 and 6 ).

Figure 3
Application of the classification and regression tree algorithm. Letters H and M denote cases of Horton and Mezencev model being the best. The string of four fractions gives the proportions of Green-Ampt, Horton, Mezencev, and Philip models being the best in the group of datasets. The percentages show the fraction of datasets from this group in the entire database. WC _i : Initial volume of soil water content.

Figure 4
Use of clay, silt, and sand contents as soil texture characteristics in regression trees. Explanations are in the caption of figure 4 . M: Mezencev model; H: Horton model.

Figure 5
Parameters of the Horton (H) model across all datasets and across the datasets where Horton model was the best.

Figure 6
Parameters of the Mezencev (M) model across all datasets and across the datasets where the Mezencev model was the best.

The accuracy of regression trees relating to infiltration parameters to the site-specific data is characterized in figure 7 and table 4 . The best explanatory variables for Horton and Mezencev models are given in table 5 . The most influential variables to build the trees given missing data command imputation for Horton and Mezencev models are shown in table 6 .

Figure 7
Performance of regression tree models relating to infiltration parameters for Horton (H) and Mezencev (M) models.

Table 4
Performance of regression tree models relating to infiltration parameters for Horton and Mezencev models
Table 5
Parameters of the Horton and Mezencev model across the Horton and Mezencev model-specific datasets
Table 6
Most important variables to build the trees given missing data command imputation for Horton and Mezencev models


According to the evaluation of selected four infiltration models by AICc (Akaike information criterion) and regression trees, Horton and Mezencev models were found to be the best predictors and could be preferred according to the measurement method ( Figure 2 ). The MM and the LU, which are two soil structure-related attributes, were good predictors of the performance of selected infiltration models and of the parameter values in those models.

Many studies conducted under different soil conditions with double-ring and mini-disc infiltrometers are compatible with our results. Lei et al. (2020)Lei G, Fan G, Zeng W, Huang J. Estimating parameters for the Kostiakov-Lewis infiltration model from soil physical properties. J Soils Sediments. 2020;20:166-80.
reported that Ahuja et al. (2007)Ahuja LR, Kozak JA, Andales AA, Ma L. Scaling parameters of the Lewis-Kostiakov water infiltration equation across soil textural classes and extension to rain infiltration. Trans ASABE. 2007;50:1525-41.
, Mirzaee et al. (2014)Mirzaee S, Zolfaghari AA, Gorji M, Dyck M, Dashtaki SG. Evaluation of infiltration models with different numbers of fitting parameters in different soil texture classes. Arch Agron Soil Sci. 2014;60:681-93.
, Nie et al. (2017)Nie W, Ma X, Fei L. Evaluation of infiltration models and variability of soil infiltration properties atmultiple scales. Irrig Drain. 2017;66:589-99.
, and Jhaa et al. (2019)Jhaa MK, Mahapatra S, Mohan C, Pohshna C. Infiltration characteristics of lateritic vadose zones: Field experiments and modeling. Soil Till Res. 2019;187:219-34.
compared infiltration models using data obtained from different regions (Iran, China, India, etc.) with various soil’s textures and bulk density. Their results showed that the Mezencev model gave high prediction accuracy for the cumulative infiltration. Li et al. (2020)Li M, Liu T, Duan L, Luo Y, Ma L, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Chen Z. Scale transfer and simulation of the infiltration in chestnut soil in a semi-arid grassland basin. Ecol Eng. 2020;158:106045.
evaluated four models’ accuracy (Horton, Kostiakov, Mezencev, and Philip) in simulating the infiltration process. They reported that the Horton model, which considers the initial infiltration rate, had higher accuracy. Hajabbasi (2006)Hajabbasi MA. Evaluation of Kostiakov, Horton and Philip’s ınfiltration equations as affected by tillage and rotation systems in a clay-loam soil of northwest Iran. In: 18th Word Congress of Soil Science; 2006 July 9-15; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Philadelphia: International Union of Soil Sciences; 2006. evaluated the Kostiakov, Horton, and Philip’s infiltration models under different tillage and rotations in a clay loam in Northwest Iran and reported that the Horton model gave the best prediction of infiltration rate in that region.

The reason why the measurement method is the best predictor may be the differences in the contact area of the instrument used in the measurement. Studies report that the contact areas of the infiltrometers have substantial effects on hydraulic conductivity and infiltration measurements ( Ciollaro and Romano, 1995Ciollaro G, Romano N. Spatial variability of the hydraulic properties of a volcanic soil. Geoderma. 1995;65:263-82.
; Lai and Ren, 2007Lai J, Ren L. Assessing the size dependency of measured hydraulic conductivity using double‐ring infiltrometers and numerical simulation. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 2007;71:1667-75.
; Pachepsky et al., 2014Pachepsky YA, Guber AK, Yakirevich AM, McKee L, Cady RE, Nicholson TJ. Scaling and pedotransfer in numerical simulations of flow and transport in soils. Vadose Zone J. 2014;13:vzj2014.02.0020.

Both meta-analysis and site-specific studies in different regions demonstrated substantial changes in the infiltration process as land-use changed. Sun et al. (2018)Sun D, Yang H, Guan D, Yang M, Wu J, Yuan F, Zhang Y. The effects of land-use change on soil infiltration capacity in China: A meta-analysis. Sci Total Environ. 2018;626:1394-401.
summarized a large number of studies in China and showed that initial and steady infiltration rates increased after land-use changes from grassland to the forest (+41 %), shrubland to the forest (+43 %), and cropland to agroforestry (+70 %, +84 %). Soil infiltration rates declined after land-use changed from grassland to cropland ( -45 %), shrubland to cropland (-64 %), and forest to cropland (54 %, 42 %). Yimer et al. (2008)Yimer F, Messing I, Ledin S, Abdelkadir A. Effects of different land-use types on infiltration capacity in a catchment in the highlands of Ethiopia. Soil Use Manag. 2008;24:344-9.
, in a study in Ethiopia, found that in cultivated and grazed land compared with forest, infiltration capacities were 70 and 45 % smaller, respectively. In the study in Indonesia, Har et al. (2021)Har R, Aprisal A, Taifur WD, Putra THA. The effect of land-uses to change on infiltration capacity and surface runoff at latung sub watershed. E3S Web Conf. 2021;331:08002.
demonstrated that the land-use change caused a substantial change in the infiltration capacity.

Besides measurement methods and land-use, soil properties have considerable effects on the infiltration process ( Angelaki et al., 2013Angelaki A, Sakellariou-Makrantonaki M, Tzimopoulos C. Theoretical and experimental research of cumulative infiltration. Transp Porous Med. 2013;100:247-57.
). The soil textural class was found to be the most influential predictor, with measurement method and land-use in 80 % of cases for Horton and Mezencev infiltration models ( Figures 3 and 4 ). It may be concluded that differences in model performance under the same infiltration measurement technique could be attributed to differences in soil conditions. Robin and Bora (2019)Robin L, Bora PK. Evaluation of Horton and Modified Kostiakov infiltration model for suitability on hilly slopes. Indian J Hill Farming. 2019;32:258-64. , ; ISSN: 0970-6429
reported that the Horton model’s better performance compared with the Modified Kostiakov model with data from the cultivated lands on hillslope and plain surface in Meghalaya, India. Dexter (2004)Dexter AR. Soil physical quality - Part I. Theory, effects of soil texture, density and organic matter and effects on root growth. Geoderma. 2004;120:201-14.
stated that soil cultivation affects the soil’s physical properties and increases the pore structure and porosity, influencing the passage of water through the soil surface and changing the soil’s ability to hold water. On the other hand, Zhang and Fang (2007)Zhang MK, Fang L. Effect of tillage, fertilizer and green manure cropping on soil quality at an abandoned brick making site. Soil Till Res. 2007;97:87-93.
stated that soil infiltration increased as soil bulk density decreased with deep plowing.

Soil structure and soil structure-related attributes such as soil organic carbon, bulk density, and initial water content affect infiltration ( Figure 3 , Tables 5 and 6 ). Estimates of the infiltration equation parameters can be more accurate if they have been developed for the same MM. The measurement method was the most influential predictor due to infiltrometers having different contact areas. An increase in the infiltrometer diameter increases the infiltration rate and the cumulative infiltration ( Wu and Pan, 1997Wu L, Pan L. A generalized solution to infiltration from single-ring infiltrometers by scaling. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 1997;61:1318-22.
). Li et al. (2019a) performed a series of double-ring infiltration tests with different diameters. In this work, the scale effect was observed in the experimental data and caused scale dependence in infiltration models’ parameters.


This study compared the effect of some soil properties and related attributes on selected infiltration models’ performance. The database SWIG encompasses approximately 5000 data across the world. The Horton and the Mezencev models performed the best. Measurement method, land-use, and soil texture were the most influential independent variables controlling the models’ performance. Lack of knowledge of the model parameters for different soils and conditions makes the use of these models difficult. Different models may be preferred for different measurement techniques and land-use.


Dr. Gülay Karahan thanks the Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for the financial support given under the grant of BIDEP (2219).


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Edited by

Editors: José Miguel Reichert 0000-0001-9943-2898 and Jackson Adriano Albuquerque 0000-0001-7876-2468.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    10 June 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    11 Nov 2021
  • Accepted
    01 Apr 2022
Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Departamento de Solos - Edifício Silvio Brandão, s/n, Caixa Postal 231 - Campus da UFV, CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG, Tel.: (31) 3612-4542 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil