The article deals with the intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic inequalities using recent data for Brazil (PNAD 2014). In this sense, it investigates the total and direct association between class origin and children's income, the temporal evolution of this association, the direct association at different levels of education and the evolution of education returns, in general and by class origin. The patterns of association are analyzed considering their variations by gender and levels of income distribution. The study uses quantile regression and estimates proportional differences in children's income to demonstrate the persistent strength of the direct effect of the privileged social origin. It reveals that the fall in the returns to education had a more favorable evolution from the origin at the social top. It calls into question, for Brazilian society, the hypothesis of the equalizing role of higher education in inequalities of origin, and shows the role of gender in converting the effect of origin into results in the destination. Thus, it sheds a different light on trends in social mobility in Brazil.
Keywords: Social class; social mobility; inequality of opportunities; income; gender