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Composição Ótima da Dívida Pública Brasileira e a Política Monetária* 1 Divino e Silva (2014) também modificam o modelo de Schmitt-Grohé e Uribe (2007), mas para incluir somente títulos nominais e indexados à inflação. A calibração para a economia brasileira revela que o maior nível de bem-estar é obtido com uma dívida altamente indexada à inflação e nenhum peso atribuído à estabilização do hiato do produto na função de reação da Autoridade Monetária.


The public debt management has recently occupied a prominent position in the academic debate due to the fiscal imbalance currently faced by Brazil. The objective of this paper is to analyze the effects of the public debt composition on the dynamics of the Brazilian economy and its interaction with the monetary policy. The model of Schmitt-Grohé e Uribe (2007)Schmitt-Grohé, S., & Uribe, M. (2007). Optimal simple and implementable monetary and fiscal rules. Journal of Monetary Economics, 54(6), 1702-1725.
is expanded to include public bonds indexed to interest rate, in addition to the pre-fixed and indexed to the inflation. The dynamics of the economy is simulated from exogenous shocks in fiscal policy, productivity, and monetary policy. A welfare analysis investigates the optimal composition of public debt and its relationship with the monetary policy. The results indicate that the fiscal shock might be inflationary because of its effects on aggregate demand and investment; debt composition has little impact on the dynamics of real variables in face of a productivity shock; and, the monetary policy shock increases the public debt and consequently the level of taxation required for fiscal equilibrium. A greater degree of public debt indexation increases the welfare because this contributes to smoothing the trajectories of public debt and taxation in the economy. The welfare also increases when the Central Bank does not respond to the output gap and aggressively fights inflation in its reaction function.

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