The experiment was carried out in 1998 on four agroecosystems on a very clayey Red Latosol eutrophic (Oxisol). One of them was covered with native vegetation (tropical rain forest) and the others were under corn, sugarcane and pasture cultivation. The experiment was located at FCAV - Research and Teaching Farm, Jaboticabal Campus, UNESP, São Paulo State, Brazil. In order to assess the effects of the agroecosystems, two soil physical properties were evaluated: soil penetration resistance (cone penetrometer) and infiltration rate (double ring infiltrometer). The following chemical properties were also studied: phosphorus, organic matter, pH, calcium, magnesium, hydrogen + aluminum, sum of bases, CEC and base saturation. All agricultural agroecosystems caused degradation of soil physical properties as compared to the native soil. The deterioration was less intense under corn than sugarcane and more intense with pasture. Increase of soil penetration resistance and reduction of infiltration rate showed this degradation. The degradation of soil chemical properties was higher with sugarcane and corn than with pasture. The damages on soil physical properties caused by agricultural agroecosystems were more restrictive to crop development than the effects on soil chemical properties.
land use system; Oxisol; physical and chemical attributes