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Use of glyphosate in the management of Panicum maximum cv. BRS Zuri intercropped with maize 1 1 Research developed at Rio Verde, GO, Brazil

Uso de glyphosate no manejo de Panicum maximum cv. BRS Zuri consorciado com milho


The intercropping between maize and forage species is an alternative commonly used within farming systems. Competition among crops may be a limiting factor in intercropping, compromising maize and forage yield. Although necessary, the literature does not provide satisfactory answers on the interaction of forage crops launched in the market recently, such as BRS Zuri, intercropped with maize. Therefore, techniques such as the use of herbicide subdoses come in as an option to suppress forage growth, making simultaneous cultivation feasible. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of glyphosate herbicide subdoses on the development of Panicum maximum cv. BRS Zuri intercropped with Roundup Ready® (RR) maize and how this interaction reflects on the weed population, forage yield, and biometric and yield variables of maize. The experimental design was randomized blocks with treatments consisting of six subdoses of glyphosate herbicide (0, 48, 96, 240, 480, and 960 g acid equivalent [a.e.] ha-1) and maize in monoculture with four replications. For the conditions of this study, the dose of 480 g a.e. ha-1 of glyphosate may be an alternative since there was weed suppression and adequate forage development. Maize yield was not affected by the presence of forage.

Key words:
phytosociology; crop-livestock integration; weeds; suppression; Zea mays L.


O consórcio entre milho e espécies forrageiras é uma alternativa comumente utilizada dentro dos sistemas agropecuários. A competição entre as culturas pode ser um fator limitante no consórcio, comprometendo a produção do milho e forragem. Embora necessário, a interação de forrageiras lançadas no mercado nos últimos anos, como a BRS Zuri consorciada com a cultura do milho, não fornece respostas satisfatórias na literatura. Por isso, técnicas como a utilização de subdoses de herbicida entra com uma opção a fim de suprimir o crescimento da forrageira, viabilizando o cultivo simultâneo. Assim, objetivou-se no presente estudo avaliar os efeitos de subdoses do herbicida glyphosate sobre o desenvolvimento de Panicum maximum cv. BRS Zuri consorciado com milho RR (Roundup Ready®) e como essa interação reflete na população de plantas daninhas, no rendimento da forrageira e nas variáveis biométricas e produtivas do milho. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, cujos tratamentos consistiram em seis subdoses do herbicida glyphosate (0, 48, 96, 240, 480 e 960 g equivalente ácido [e.a.] ha-1), além do milho em monocultivo com quatro repetições. Para as condições do presente estudo, a dose de 480 g e.a. ha-1 de glyphosate pode ser uma alternativa, visto que houve a supressão de plantas daninhas e um adequado desenvolvimento da forragem. Já o rendimento do milho não foi afetado pela presença da forrageira.

fitossociologia; integração lavoura-pecuária; plantas daninhas; supressão; Zea mays L.


Maize grain yield was not affected by the presence of forage.

Forage biomass production provided a reduction in the weed community.

Different doses of glyphosate influenced forage yield.


The Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems (ICLS) consists of a sustainable alternative of cultivation that provides synergism between agricultural and livestock production in the same area, promoting benefits to the producer and the environment (Costa Jr. et al., 2019Costa Jr., N. B. da; Baldissera, T. C.; Pinto, C. E.; Garagorry, F. C.; Moraes, A. de; Carvalho, P. C. de F. Public policies for lowcarbon emission agriculture foster beef cattle production in southern Brazil. Land Use Policy, v.80, p.269-273, 2019.
). In the Brazilian Cerrado, areas cultivated with ICLS have increased significantly through intercropping, crop rotation, and/or succession (Zolin et al., 2021Zolin, C. A.; Matos, E. da S.; Magalhães, C. A. de S.; Paulino, J.; Lal, R.; Spera, S. T.; Behling, M. Short-term effect of a crop-livestock-forestry system on soil, water and nutrient loss in the Cerrado-Amazon ecotone. Acta Amazonica, v.51, p.102-112, 2021.

Intercropping can be defined as cultivation that simultaneously integrates two or more species of interest (Martins et al., 2019Martins, D. A.; Jakelaitis, A.; Pereira, L. S.; Moura, L. M. F.; Guimaraes, K. C. Intercropping between corn and Urochloa brizantha managed with mesotrione underdoses. Planta Daninha, v.37, p.1-10, 2019.
). Among the benefits, they include the production of grains, silage, forage, cultural control of weeds, and the formation of quality straw (Laroca et al., 2018Laroca, J. V. dos S.; Souza, J. M. A. de; Pires, G. C.; Pires, G. J. C.; Pacheco, L. P.; Silva, F. D. da; Wruck, F. J.; Carneiro, M. A. C.; Silva, L. S.; Souza, E. D. de. Soil quality and soybean productivity in crop-livestock integrated system in no-tillage. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira , v.53, p.1248-1258, 2018.

Perennial species, such as forage plants of the genus Panicum spp., are considered interesting options to be inserted in intercropping with crops such as maize and sorghum (Silva et al., 2020aSilva, F. F. da C.; Ferreira, J. L. S.; Ramos, T. V.; Calil, F. N. Maize yield in an integrated crop-livestock-forestry system in south Goiás. Brazil. Revista Ceres, v.67, p.176-180, 2020a.
). However, simultaneous cultivation between two or more species can become unfeasible due to competition between the crops, especially in the early stage of development (Pezzopane et al., 2019Pezzopane, J. R. M.; Bernardi, A. C. C.; Bosi, C.; Oliveira, P. P. A.; Marconato, M. H.; Pedroso, A. F.; Esteve, S. N. Forage productivity and nutritive value during pasture renovation in integrated systems. Agroforestry Systems, v.93, p.39-49, 2019.

Some agronomic techniques can be used to minimize the effect of competition between the cultivated species; among them is the application of subdoses of selective herbicides for the maize crop (Freitas et al., 2018Freitas, M. A. M. de; Silva, D. V.; Guimarães, F. R.; Leal, P. L.; Moreira, F. M. de S.; Silva, A. A. da; Souza, M. de F. Biological attributes of soil cultivated with corn intercropped with Urochloa brizantha in different plant arrangements with and without herbicide application. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, v.254, p.35-40, 2018.
) just for suppresses the initial growth of the forage crop (Oliveira et al., 2018Oliveira, J. R. de; Soares, A. B.; Adami, P. F.; Glienke, C. L.; Balbinot Junior, A. A. B. Corn and alexander grass intercropping system: influences of herbicide management on grain and forage yield. Colloquium Agrariae, v.14, p.66-72, 2018.
), without the expectation that such doses will manage the weeds that may eventually be present which is controlled by the remaining straw (Schuster et al., 2019Schuster, M. Z.; Lustosa, S. B. C.; Pelissari, A.; Harrison, S. K.; Sulc, R. M.; Deiss, L.; de Moraes, A. Optimizing forage allowance for productivity and weed management in integrated crop-livestock systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, v.39, p.1-10, 2019.

The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of glyphosate herbicide subdoses on the development of Panicum maximum cv. BRS Zuri intercropped with Roundup Ready® maize, which exhibits tolerance to the herbicide, and how this interaction reflects on the weed population, forage yield, and biometric and yield variables of maize.

Material and Methods

The study was conducted under field conditions in the experimental area of the Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Rio Verde, GO, located in the city of Rio Verde, southwest of the state of Goiás, under the coordinates 17° 81’ 03” S and 50° 90’ 51” W and altitude of 754 m.

The soil of the area is classified as Dystrophic Red Latosol (EMBRAPA, 2018EMBRAPA - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. Sistema brasileiro de classificação de solos, 5.ed. Embrapa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018. 208p.) corresponding to an Oxisol (United States, 2014United States. Soil Survey Staff. Keys to soil taxonomy. 12.ed. Lincoln: USDA NRCS. 2014. Available on: <Available on: >. Accessed on: Apr. 2023.
), with the following physical-chemical characteristics in 0-20 cm soil layer: pH (CaCl2) 5; P = 23.8 mg dm-3; K = 133 mg dm-3, Ca = 1.57 cmolc dm-3; Mg = 0.90 cmolc dm-3; Al = 0.06 cmolc dm-3; base saturation = 55.9%; OM = 36.1 g dm-3, and particle size 48, 8, and 44 dag kg-1 of clay, silt, and sand, respectively.

The climate of the region is characterized as humid tropical, Aw-type, with rain in summer and dry in winter, according to the Köppen classification. The climate data during the experiment is presented in Figure 1 and was collected from the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET, 2022INMET - Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia. Informações sobre as condições climáticas em Rio Verde - GO. 2022. Available on: <Available on: >. Accessed on: Sep 2022.

Figure 1
Average values of rainfall, temperature, and relative air humidity during the experimental period

Before sowing, the experimental area was desiccated with glyphosate (Shadow®) herbicide at 1.680 g a.e. ha-1 to eliminate the plant biomass present. After 15 days, soil tillage was performed with plowing and light disc harrowing. Maize hybrid B2360PW (Brevant) was sown at a depth of 4 cm on 19/12/2020 using a four-row multiple seed drill with 0.45 m between rows, totaling a population of approximately 66.666 plants ha-1. This hybrid has a super-early cycle with tolerance to glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium herbicides. The fertilization in the sowing furrow consisted of 300 kg ha-1 of the 5-25-15 formulation of N-P205-K20. On the same date, the BRS Zuri grass was sown manually and broadcast, using 10 kg ha-1 of seeds with 79% of Cultural Value (CV).

The treatments consisted of six doses of glyphosate (Shadow®) (0, 48, 96, 240, 480, and 960 g a.e. ha-1) and maize in monoculture, with four replications totaling 28 experimental plots. The doses were determined according to the product package insert, where a concentration of 960 g a.e. ha-1 is recommended for weed control. From the reference dose, the concentrations were fractionated into subdoses. The plots had an area of 18 m², with eight rows 5 m long. The area of evaluations (observation area) consisted of the four central rows.

The treatments were applied 20 days after maize emergence (DAE), when the forage had three tillers. A CO2 pressurized knapsack sprayer was used for the application, composed of an aluminum bar containing four spray tips spaced 0.5 m apart. The equipment pressure at the time of application was 2.0 bars with an application rate of 200 L ha-1.

At the time of application of the treatments, 1.500 g a.i. ha-1 of the herbicide atrazine (Aclamado BR®) was also added to help control broad-leafed weeds. For maize in monoculture, in addition to the herbicide atrazine (Aclamado BR®), glyphosate (Shadow®) was also applied at a dose of 1.440 g acid equivalent (a.e.) ha-1 to help control weeds. The climatic conditions at application time were determined with a thermo-hygrometer, with a relative air humidity of 45.7%, air temperature of 28 ºC, and wind speed of 2.2 m s-1.

At the V4 stage, around 20 DAE of the maize, topdressing fertilization of 150 kg of N was performed. The application of insecticides occurred at 7, 12, 27 DAE, with the insecticides teflubenzuron (Nomolt®150) at a dose of 0.15 L of commercial product per hectare; chlorpyrifos (Capataz®) + teflubenzuron (Nomolt®150) at a dose of 1 L of commercial product per hectare and 0.15 L of commercial product per hectare and thiamethoxam (Engeo Pleno™ S) at a dose of 0.25 L of commercial product per hectare, respectively, with a spray volume of 170 L ha-1.

For maize, at 63 DAA, during flowering, the following variables were measured: plant height (PH), from the ground up to the flag leaf, ear insertion height (EH), and stem diameter (SD), at a height of 3 cm from the ground. For these evaluations, five plants per plot were randomly selected. A ruler, graduated in centimeters, was used to measure plant height and ear insertion height. The diameter of the stem was measured with the aid of a digital pachymeter.

At 128 DAE of the maize, the crop was harvested manually in the observation area (four central rows, 3 m long) to assess the grain yield (GY). After the harvest, the grains and cobs were separated with the help of a thresher, and then the grains were weighed. Five ears from each plot were used to determine ear length (SL), ear diameter (ED), number of grain rows per ear (NRE), 1000-grain mass (MTG), and the total number of grains (TNG). Grain yield per hectare and 1000-grain mass were corrected to 13% humidity.

After the maize harvest, around 135 DAE, the evaluation of forage height and cutting was performed. For height, a ruler graduated in centimeters was used, taking as a basis the height of the plant canopy at two points per plot. To measure biomass, the forage was cut with the help of a cleaver at a height of 30 cm from the ground. The observation area consisted of 2 m².

Then, the plant material was weighed, and an aliquot of approximately 500 g was removed and placed in paper bags. Later, the leaves and stems were separated in the laboratory to measure the leaf-stem ratio of the forage. Then the material was placed in an oven with air-forced circulation for drying for 72 hours at 65 ºC. After drying, the material was weighed, and the values were converted to t ha-1.

The phytosociological evaluations of weeds were performed at 43 and 108 days after application (DAA) of the treatments, which consisted in the reproductive phase and at the time of maize harvest, being represented by the relative importance (RI) of the species in the weed community, according to the methodology proposed (Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg, 1974Mueller-Dombois, D.; Ellenberg, H. A. Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. New York: John Wiley. 1974. 574p.). Three random samples were collected per plot, using a square with an area of 0.25 m². The weeds present in the squares were identified, quantified, and separated to species level. Then, they were placed in paper bags and dried in an oven with air-forced circulation at 65 ºC for 72 hours for later weighing.

The results obtained for the maize crop, forage, weed density, and dry mass variables were submitted to regression analysis. The models were adjusted according to simplicity, biological significance, and determination coefficient. The normality of the data was previously verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test (p ≤ 0.05). The behavior of the weed community was obtained through the relative importance of the species, calculated by the phytosociological indexes of weed frequency, density, and dominance (Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg, 1974Mueller-Dombois, D.; Ellenberg, H. A. Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. New York: John Wiley. 1974. 574p.; Pitelli, 2000Pitelli, R. A. Estudos fitossociológicos em comunidades infestantes de agroecossistemas. Jornal Conserb. v.1, p.1-7, 2000.). Weeds listed according to their RI were named based on the code (EPPO, 2022EPPO - European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. Global Database. 2022. Available on: <Available on: > Accessed on: Sep. 2022.

Results and Discussion

In the weed evaluations conducted at 43 DAA (Table 1) and 108 DAA of the treatments (Table 2), obtained by the plant community’s phytosociological analysis, we observed the presence of a total of 16 species distributed in nine families. The species found in the two periods of evaluation were: hairy beggarticks (Bidens pilosa - BIDPI), bristly starbur (Acanthospermum hispidum - ACAHI), tropic ageratum (Ageratum conyzoides - AGECO), hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis - CONBO), cupid’s-shaving-brush (Emilia fosbergii - EMIFO), all belonging to the Asteraceae family; Jamaican crabgrass (Digitaria horizontalis - DIGHO), mission grass (Pennisetum setosum - PENSE), goosegrass (Eleusine indica - ELEIN), all belonging to the Poaceae family.

Table 1
Relative importance of weed species evaluated at 43 days after application (DAA) of glyphosate herbicide
Table 2
Relative importance of weed species evaluated at 108 days after application (DAA) of glyphosate herbicide

It was also evidenced the appearance of niruri (Phyllanthus niruri - PHYNI) and castor bean (Ricinus communis - RINCO) belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family; calico plant (Alternanthera tenella - ALTTE) belonging to the Amaranthaceae family; Bengal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis - COMBE) of the Commelinaceae family; apple of Peru (Nicandra physaloides - NICPH) belonging to the Solanaceae family; brazil pusley (Richardia brasiliensis - RICBR) of the Rubiaceae family; morning-glory (Ipomoea spp. - IPOMO), belonging to the Convolvulaceae family and Mexican prickly poppy (Argemone mexicana - ARGME), from the Papaveraceae family.

The highest RI values were observed for ACAHI, ALTTE, BIDPI, COMBE, and RINCO at 43 DAA (Table 1) with values of 24.01, 20.34, 11.88, 14.94, and 11.39, respectively. RI is the ratio that shows the importance of each species within the weed community. Such weeds were the most important in terms of infestation (Pitelli, 2000Pitelli, R. A. Estudos fitossociológicos em comunidades infestantes de agroecossistemas. Jornal Conserb. v.1, p.1-7, 2000.), considering the distribution of species, number of individuals, and concentration in the sampled area. The other species present in the area showed low mean RI values, except for DIGHO, at doses of 0 and 96 g a.e. ha-1, and for ELEIN at the dose of 240 g a.e. ha-1, which can be justified by the presence of the biomass produced by BRS Zuri forage.

At 108 DAA of the treatments, it is observed that the species COMBE and ALTTE, similar to the first evaluation, showed high values of RI with 29.90 and 24.22, respectively, followed by CONBO, with 11.51. Such species present a high RI value in Brazilian agriculture, which is difficult to control and has high dissemination (Ribeiro Neto et al., 2019Ribeiro Neto, J. C.; Jacobi, N. M. N. dos S.; Diniz, M. H. dos S.; Canuto, R. S. O.; Canuto, D. M. F. Levantamento fitossociológico de plantas daninhas em pré-colheita do milho na integração lavoura pecuária floresta. Agrarian Academy, v.6, p.94-107, 2019.
; Miranda et al., 2020Miranda, D. A.; Santos, R. T. da S.; Bacha, A. L.; Rodrigues, J. de S.; Alves, P. L. da C. A.; Kuva, M. A. Estudo de seleção da comunidade infestante por herbicidas utilizando técnicas de análise multivariada. Revista Brasileira de Herbicidas, v.19, p.1-13, 2020.
). Biological characteristics such as propagation, life cycle, high seed production, and easy adaptation, among others, can justify the importance of these species in the study area.

Another species with a high RI value at 108 DAA is CONBO, with 11.51. CONBO is a weed species that presents biotypes resistant to the glyphosate herbicide distributed throughout the country. Like other weeds, this species presents characteristics that confer its establishment and ability to germinate even in unfavorable weather conditions (Bruno et al., 2021Bruno, M. H. F.; Castanho, F. M.; Araújo, L. de; Carvalho, S. de. Caracterização morfológica e molecular de biótipos de Conyza spp. Revista Ciência Agrícola, v.19, p.61-69, 2021.

At 43 and 108 DAA, there was the highest number of weed species in maize in monoculture, which can be explained by the fact that there was no coverage of the plots imposed by the presence of forage, so there was no barrier to the development of weeds.

The variables of density (Figure 2A) and dry mass (Figure 2B), the effects on the population of invasive species are related to the evaluation periods and the competitiveness characteristics of the weeds. Higher values of weed density and dry mass were observed in the second evaluation (108 DAA of the treatments).

Figure 2
Density (A) and dry mass (B) of weeds at 43 and 108 days after application (DAA) of glyphosate herbicide

The presence of soil cover has physical, chemical, and biological effects on weed suppression in several crops. Tropical perennial species, such as BRS Zuri grass, may have a greater suppressive effect when compared with the grain crop in monoculture (Schuster et al., 2020Schuster, M. Z.; Gastal, F.; Doisy, D.; Charrier, X.; Moraes, A. de; Médiène, S.; Barbu, C. M. Weed regulation by crop and grassland competition: critical biomass level and persistence rate. European Journal of Agronomy, v.113, p.1-9, 2020.
). Although depending on factors such as competitive ability, soil cover, proper management, and weed pressure, the presence of forage can even eliminate the need for herbicide application over time (Dominschek et al., 2021Dominschek, R.; Barroso, A. A. M.; Lang, C. R.; Moraes, A. de; Sulc, R. M.; Schuster, M. Z. Crop rotations with temporary grassland shifts weed patterns and allows herbicide-free management without crop yield loss. Journal of Cleaner Production, v.306, p.1-11, 2021.

For weed density (Figure 2A), it is evident from the regression equation that there was an increase in the variable from the dose of 394.09 g. a.e. ha-1, where 99% of the effect found is related to the treatments applied. The increase in weed density due to the increase in the dose of glyphosate herbicide may be associated with the suppressive effect caused by the forage. Another factor that may be linked to the increase in density refers to the non-suppression promoted by the forage, considering that with the increase in doses, the established biomass of the forage was lower.

For Lima et al. (2019Lima, S. F.; Pereira, L. S.; Sousa, G. D. de; Oliveira, G. S. de; Jakelaitis, A. Suppression of Urochloa brizantha and U. ruziziensis by glyphosate underdoses. Revista Caatinga, v.32, p.581-589, 2019.
), the occupation of the soil surface by forages reduces the density and development of weeds, highlighting the importance of using these species as options in integrated management. According to Summers et al. (2021Summers, H.; Karsten, H. D.; Curran, W.; Malcolm, G. M. Integrated weed management with reduced herbicides in a no-till dairy rotation. Agronomy Journal, v.113, p.3418-3433, 2021.
), the soil coverage promoted by plants that present high biomass production, for example, forage plants of the genus Panicum spp. reduces the density of invasive species and, consequently, the application of herbicides in pre and post-emergence in succession crops.

In the study by Ferreira et al. (2018Ferreira, A. C. de B.; Borin, A. L. D. C.; Bogiani, J. C.; Lamas, F. M. Suppressive effects on weeds and dry matter yields of cover crops. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira , v.53, p.566-574, 2018.
), which aimed to evaluate the amount of dry mass of different coverage plants and their effect on weed suppression in three years of conduction in the Cerrado region, the authors evidenced that the average dry mass of 10,857 kg ha-1 of P. maximum, prevented the infestation of weeds such as A. tenella, C. benghalensis, S. rhombifolia, B. pilosa, E. indica, among others, resulting in the total control of them, being an important component to be used within the management of weeds in integrated systems.

The dry mass of the weed community did not show a significant difference in the first evaluation (43 DAA), being inexpressive (Figure 2B). This result may be related to the size of the weeds and the low competition among species in this period. However, in the second evaluation, there was an accumulation of dry mass with increasing doses, reinforcing the claims of the potential of forage in occupying the area and, consequently, reducing weed biomass. According to the model (Figure 2B), from a dose of 154.19 g. a.e. ha-1, there was an increase in weed dry mass, with 99% of the observed effect related to the application of the treatments.

At lower doses (0, 48, and 96 g a.e. ha-1), lower weed dry mass was observed than in the higher doses. At the three lowest doses, the weeds that stood out were: ALTTE, COMBE, and DIGHO, being that at the dose of 48 g a.e. ha-1, only COMBE was present (Table 2). The dry mass increased with increasing doses (240, 480, and 960 g a.e. ha-1). Such results demonstrate the contribution of forage in cultural weed control, corroborating with other studies (Lima et al., 2018Lima, S. F.; Pereira, L. S.; Sousa, G. D.; Vasconcelo, S. A.; Jakelaitis, A.; Oliveira, J. F. A. Influence of glyphosate underdoses on the suppression of Panicum maximum cultivars. Arquivos do Instituto Biológico, v.85, p.1-8, 2018.
; Martins et al., 2019Martins, D. A.; Jakelaitis, A.; Pereira, L. S.; Moura, L. M. F.; Guimaraes, K. C. Intercropping between corn and Urochloa brizantha managed with mesotrione underdoses. Planta Daninha, v.37, p.1-10, 2019.

Table 3 shows that 75% of the height of maize plants is a biological response to the application of treatments, so that for each 1 g a.e., there was a reduction of 0.0001 m in plant height. As for the yield components of the crop according to the herbicide doses, there was no significant difference (Table 3). These results indicate that intercropping with the forage BRS Zuri did not affect maize yield. Furthermore, the results may be associated with water availability during crop development (Figure 1).

Table 3
Plant height (PH), ear insertion height (EH), stem diameter (SD), ear length (SL), ear diameter (ED), number of rows per ear (NRE), 1000-grain mass (MTG), total number of grains in five ears (TNG), and grain yield (GY) of maize intercropped with Panicum maximum cv. BRS Zuri, according to the application of different doses of glyphosate herbicide

As in the present assay, other studies show that using herbicide subdoses is a viable alternative for maize production in integration systems (Martins et al., 2019Martins, D. A.; Jakelaitis, A.; Pereira, L. S.; Moura, L. M. F.; Guimaraes, K. C. Intercropping between corn and Urochloa brizantha managed with mesotrione underdoses. Planta Daninha, v.37, p.1-10, 2019.
; Sanches et al., 2020Sanches, I. R.; Lazarini, E.; Pechoto, E. A. P.; Santos, F. L. dos; Bossolani, J. W.; Parra, L. F.; Meneghette, H. H. A. Milho segunda safra consorciado com forragens e correção do solo: produtividade e distribuição das raízes das forrageiras. Research, Society and Development, v.9, p.1-22, 2020.
). The inhibition of forage growth caused by the action of the herbicide, combined with the shading imposed by the grain crop, can mitigate the competitive effect between the crops and maximize the benefit of the intercrop.

The forage height (Figure 3A) and yield (Figure 3B) showed significant differences in response to the treatments studied. There was a reduction in forage height according to the increase in herbicide dose, 96% of the effect on height was influenced by herbicide application, and a decrease of 0.0010 m was observed with the increase of 1 g of a.e. ha-1.

Figure 3
Height (A) and yield (B) of BRS Zuri forage as a function of glyphosate subdoses

The growth of forage at lower doses of the herbicide may have been induced by intra-specific competition for light and space within the fields and, consequently, greater elongation of the stem. Lower height values, on the other hand, may be related to less stem elongation due to delayed forage growth after application. Cruz et al. (2021Cruz, N. T.; Pires, A. J. V.; Fries, D. D.; Jardim, R. R.; Sousa, B. M. de L.; Dias, D. L. S.; Bonono, P.; Ramos, B. L. P.; Sacramento, M. R. S. V. do. Fatores que afetam as características morfogênicas e estruturais de plantas forrageiras. Research. Society and Development, v.10, p.1-22, 2021.
) reported that shading could directly interfere with the morphogenetic characteristics of forage, showing that the higher the shade imposed, the greater the stem elongation rate. These results resemble the study of Lima et al. (2019Lima, S. F.; Pereira, L. S.; Sousa, G. D. de; Oliveira, G. S. de; Jakelaitis, A. Suppression of Urochloa brizantha and U. ruziziensis by glyphosate underdoses. Revista Caatinga, v.32, p.581-589, 2019.
), where the authors evidenced the reduction in the height of two species of the genus Urochloa intercropped with maize according to increasing subdoses of glyphosate.

Regarding the forage biomass produced, it can be seen that the phytotoxic effect of the herbicide concerning yield, since with increasing doses, the yield was reduced. The regression model shows that the dose 229 g a.e. ha-1 was sufficient to reduce 50% of the maximum value found for the variable. At lower doses, it is observed that the forage recovered from the effect caused by the herbicide. These results show that maize did not exert a competitive effect on the forage. Moreover, this behavior may be linked to the morphological characteristics of BRS Zuri grass and, as with maize sowing in the harvest period, where precipitation helped the forage development, even after the application.

Silva et al. (2020bSilva, E. B. da; Carneiro, M. S. de S.; Furtado, R. N.; Lopes, M. N.; Braga, M. de M. Chemical composition of Panicum maximum ‘BRS Zuri’subjected to levels of salinity and irrigation depths. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v.51, p.1-10, 2020b.
) state that the BRS Zuri cultivar presents characteristics of high biomass quantity, vigorous regrowth, and fast growth and recovery to adverse conditions. This fact contributes to corroborating these results. Cruvinel et al. (2021Cruvinel, A. G.; Gonçalo, T. P.; Moraes, K. L.; Pereira, B. C. S.; Sousa, J. V. A. de; Andrade, D. N. de. Effects of herbicide underdoses on the vegetative development of Panicum maximum cultivars. Científica, v.49, p.121-127, 2021.
) showed that BRS Zuri forage presented higher values of height and yield when compared to other forages such as U. ruziziensis and P. maximum cv. BRS Tamani and Quênia, after application of subdoses of the herbicides tembotrione (42 and 84 g a.e. ha-1), mesotrione (48 and 96 g a.e. ha-1), glyphosate (100 and 200 g a.e. ha-1), and nicosulfuron (7.8 and 15.6 g a.e. ha-1) for suppression.

For the leaf-stem relationship variable, it is evident that the action of the herbicide interfered directly since, with increasing doses, the value for this variable increased (Figure 4). According to the model, doses from 310.51 g. a.e. ha-1 increased this variable, and the action of glyphosate explains 98% of the effect on the variable. The leaf-stem ratio is a variable of great importance for grazing and animal nutrition and the formation of successive straws.

Figure 4
Leaf-stem relationship of BRS Zuri forage according to glyphosate subdoses

The increase in the leaf-stem ratio may be associated with lower forage growth and less competition of the species in the area. Under conditions of competition for light and space, the forage species tends to elongate the stem, inducing leaf projection and light capture to conduct photosynthetic processes. According to Echeverria et al. (2016Echeverria, J. R.; Euclides, V. P. B.; Sbrissia, A. F.; Montagner, D. B.; Barbosa, R. A.; Nantes, N. N. Acúmulo de forragem e valor nutritivo do híbrido de Urochloa ‘BRS RB331 Ipyporã’ sob pastejo intermitente. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, v.51, p.880-889, 2016.
), the higher stem production is stimulated by the competition for light between plants, leading to the lower accumulation of leaf area and, consequently, the reduction of protein contents, digestibility, and the lower consumption by the animal.

The higher values of the leaf-stem ratio at higher doses may also be related to the absence of the flowering stage of forage at harvest since the suppression caused by the herbicide delayed growth. Forage species tend to emit more stems in the flowering stage, reducing the leaf area. Results similar to the present study were observed by Lima et al. (2019Lima, S. F.; Pereira, L. S.; Sousa, G. D. de; Oliveira, G. S. de; Jakelaitis, A. Suppression of Urochloa brizantha and U. ruziziensis by glyphosate underdoses. Revista Caatinga, v.32, p.581-589, 2019.
), where the authors evidenced that increasing subdoses of the glyphosate herbicide in suppression of the forage plants U. brizantha cv. Marandu and U. ruziziensis showed an increase in the leaf-stem ratio.

According to the results obtained in the present study, broad-spectrum herbicides on transgenic tolerant maize hybrids may be an interesting alternative in the production of grains, the inhibition and production of forage, and the suppression of weeds within integrated systems. It is important to emphasize that for the greatest success of the method, factors such as the stage of development of the plant, correct moment of application, the dose used, morphogenetic characteristics of the forage, and climatic conditions, among others, must be taken into consideration.


  1. The forage BRS Zuri is efficient in the suppression of weeds within the production system.

  2. The maize yield was not affected by the presence of the forage, regardless of the subdoses of herbicide applied.

  3. The increase in herbicide subdoses reduced the height of the forage and increased the leaf-stem ratio.

  4. Starting at 229 g a.e. ha-1 of glyphosate, BRS Zuri had reduced 50% of its forage yield concerning the absence of the herbicide.

  5. The dose starting at 480 g a.e. ha-1 can be considered the most viable since the variables of height and biomass of forage presented better management conditions within the system.


To the Instituto Federal Goiano, Rio Verde Campus, Goiás for the use of infrastructure and support. To the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq for the financial support.

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  • 1 Research developed at Rio Verde, GO, Brazil

Edited by

Editors: Geovani Soares de Lima & Hans Raj Gheyi

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    10 July 2023
  • Date of issue
    Oct 2023


  • Received
    24 Oct 2022
  • Accepted
    10 May 2023
  • Published
    16 June 2023
Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Agrícola Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Agrícola, UFCG, Av. Aprígio Veloso 882, Bodocongó, Bloco CM, 1º andar, CEP 58429-140, Tel. +55 83 2101 1056 - Campina Grande - PB - Brazil