This article, with a qualitative approach, characterized as a case study, identified how early childhood education teachers have inserted photography into their pedagogical practices at Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil Santa Lúcia, in Presidente Kennedy (ES). As a data collection instrument, a semi-structured interview was used, applied to eight teachers from Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil Santa Lúcia. An analysis of the foundations was based on documents prepared by the Ministry of Education, such as the National Common Curricular Reference and the Common National Curricular Base. As a final product of the dissertation on which this article is based, a booklet was elaborated, with suggestions for activities that use photography as a pedagogical resource for the development of the child’s identity. The results reveal that photography can and should be incorporated in early childhood education as a pedagogical resource that aids the development of the child’s skills and abilities and the construction of their identity and autonomy.
KEYWORDS photography; child education; identity; child development