In this study we discuss the concept of escrevivência [writing-living], created by Conceição Evaristo, as a possibility of pedagogical practice aligned with the prerogatives of Law No. 10.639/2003. We use Paulo Freire's notion of assunção de si, bell hooks's defense of education as a practice of freedom, and Evaristo's escrevivência concept to think about educational practices that consider the plural perspectives of historically marginalized subjects, based on their multiple experiences. Thus, we heard how high school students from a public school in the Federal District perceive the dynamics of racial relations in the school. From their experiences, the adolescents signaled changes in the activities and in the relational dynamics of the school when it comes to racial issues, thus promoting the power of escrevivência as a pedagogical practice that enables an anti-racist education.
racial relations; blackness; high school; escrevivência