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Inventory of didactic translation procedures: theory, practice, and research method


Since the philosophy’s difference in education, the text defends the following thesis as a fact: the teacher creates the theory, the practice, and the method because when a teacher educates translating, there are no possibilities of not creating them. Or, in other words: while translating the science, the arts, and the philosophy, in a curricular and didactic way, the teacher necessarily has creative ideas. For illustrating these facts, it is necessary to appeal for the script for scheduling procedures of translation in a class, answered by scholars and researchers that are participating in the núcleo Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Toledo, PR), members of the project Escrileituras: um modo de ler-escrever em meio à vida, developed between 2011 and 2014, with the program Observatório da Educação/Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior support. By accomplishing the empirical analysis of this script, the interrelations among theory, practice, and method, that indicate directions to be followed in future classes and surveys, due to its heuristic values in the teacher-researcher formation, are discussed.

escrileituras; didatics; theory; practice; method

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