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Notes on the universal and diversity

The aim of this article is to problematise the universal and diversity. It investigates the possible implications of the multiple meanings of the terms universality and difference, within the philosophic, sociological and anthropological perspectives. It points out that difference does not possess a value "in itself", nor a "structure" nor a timeless "essence". Diversity exists in determined historical situations and also needs to be qualified. In this sense, it is not so much the opposition in relation to the universal which interests us but the way in which a change of contexts affects our understanding of those concepts. It also discusses the question of the local and the national which are not considered as dimensions of "global society" on the point of disappearing. It then seeks to understand how these levels are redefined, given that in globalization a differentiated set of social unities exists: nations, regions, traditions, civilizations and diversity is an integral part of this totality. It concludes that universal and particular are opposing pairs. Difference is associated with the particular, with contention, with limits and with identity and is thus incompatible with the movement of universalisation. The universal refers to the idea of expansion, the breaking of frontiers, "everyone", humanity. However, within the context of globalization this antagonistic pair is frequently intertwined, mixing some formerly fixed values with just one of its elements.

universal and diversity; universality and difference

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