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New supporting materials, old fears: the technology and the generation clashes in the reading and writing practices

The paper analyses contemporary production of knowledge about the act of reading and writing, as well as the social, political and cultural conditionings that have led to changes in it. We focus on two aspects related to the issue: the impact of the supporting materials that have changed ways of reading and writing throughout time; and the challenges imposed on the dialogue between generations, brought about by the electronic revolution. We revisit concepts developed by Mikhail Bakhtin, casting new lights upon the present uses of language and text production mediated by electronic and digital supporting materials.

technology; reading and writing practices, supporting materials

ANPEd - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação Rua Visconde de Santa Isabel, 20 - Conjunto 206-208 Vila Isabel - 20560-120, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (21) 2576 1447, (21) 2265 5521, Fax: (21) 3879 5511 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil