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A place of production and the production of a place: the history and historiography presented in the Working Group History of Education da ANPEd (1985-2000)

This text analyses the ground covered by the ANPEd Working Group on the History of Education (1985-2000) reconsidering the characteristics of the productions presented in the group and its constitutive process as a "place of production" for Brazilian historical educational research. It emphasises the role of the Working Group as a place for theoretical-methodological discussions and for the nurturing of new research perspectives. It also identifies the emergence of theoretical perspectives and methodological options that have marked national production in this area.

history of education; ANPEd working group on the history of education; educational history and historiography; Brazilian historical-educational production; history of Brazilian education

ANPEd - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação Rua Visconde de Santa Isabel, 20 - Conjunto 206-208 Vila Isabel - 20560-120, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (21) 2576 1447, (21) 2265 5521, Fax: (21) 3879 5511 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil