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First Exhibition of Children's and Youth Drawing in Paraná: a renewal of the concept school exhibitions (1943)

This article analyzes the First Exhibition of Children's and Youth Drawing, held in Curitiba/PR, in 1943, and its relations with the modern trends in art and education. The event involved intellectuals and artists such as Raul Gomes, Erasmo Pilotto, Helena Kolody and Guido Viaro, in addition to students and soon-to-be teachers from public and private schools. Advocating freedom of expression and the individuality of children, the project's rationale was its scientific character, based on research on children's drawings developed in psychology by Luquet, Rouma and Rabello, as well on the conclusions of the Paris Drawing Education Conference, held in 1937. The sources used were the daily newspapers O Dia and Gazeta do Povo.

children's art-exhibition; history of education in Paraná; press and education

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