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Discourses about teacher professionalism: paradoxes and conceptual alternatives

This paper identifies and analyses discourses about teacher professionalism based upon different conceptions, characteristics and dimensions. For that, the most important authors in this field are discussed in an international context. It is argued that the analysis of teacher professionalism at present implies the consideration of multiple discourses that have emerged in this field. In particular the paper looks at the discourses related to the so-called "performance cultures" and accountability, in order to unveil the implications (and contradictions) underpinning them with repercussion for teachers' professional identities.

teacher professionalism; teachers' work; professional identities

ANPEd - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação Rua Visconde de Santa Isabel, 20 - Conjunto 206-208 Vila Isabel - 20560-120, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (21) 2576 1447, (21) 2265 5521, Fax: (21) 3879 5511 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil