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Latency time and characteristics of picture labelling by children with reading disorders

The aim of this study was to verify latency time and the properties for the picture labelling in children with reading disorders and children with typical reading development. The sample was composed of 20 children with reading disorders (age mean=8,3 y) and 25 children without reading disorders (age mean=8,6 y), from both genders. The picture labelling test was made up of 96 pictures, divided into stimuli groups, with equivalent balance to written words: frequency of occurrence of the written word, word extension and complexity for Portuguese spoken in Brazil. The pictures were presented on a computer screen and children were asked to name the pictures. The latency time and the responses were registered in a program designed specially for this study. The responses were analyzed according to criteria of specific literature. No statistical differences were observed between readers and non-readers related to the processing time, however, results pointed to more correct answers in the reader group. Non-readers have more phonological errors than readers. In conclusion, the latency time is similar between the subjects. However non-readers can show difficulties in picture naming, especially as to selection of phonological properties of the picture naming, which result in errors in labelling.

picture naming; latency time; reading disorder; special education

Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Educação Especial - ABPEE Av. General Rondon, 1799, Centro, Zip Code: 79331-030 - Corumbá - MS - Brazil