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Recent Studies on Labor Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities


Based on the theoretical assumptions of the historical-cultural perspective, we aim to discuss the theme “Recent Studies on the Labor Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) in the Work Environment” from the survey of scientific publications between the years 2008-2018. These studies point towards the labor inclusion as being a favorable factor for the overall development of these subjects. The survey was carried out in the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages ​​in the journal database of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel/Ministry of Education (CAPES/MEC) in search by subject and in the Web of Science and Scopus Databases, having as selection criteria papers in the areas of intellectual disability, inclusion, psychology and special education. As indicators, the following words were used: “adult and intellectual disability”, “intellectual disability AND work”, “mental disability AND work”, “intellectual disability AND work”, “intellectual disability and work placement”, “intellectual disability and inclusion in the workplace” and “intellectual disability and insertion in the labor market”. We have identified 29 articles directly related to the topic. The most investigated subjects were: “Person with ID in organizations” (7), “Professional training” (13), “Legislation and public policies” (5), “Senses and meanings of work” (3), and “Work, education and family” (1). The results revealed the need for studies directed to the field of Psychology and Education that can offer greater subsidies for the labor inclusion of these subjects in order to collaborate with effective public policies. We point out the pertinence of the development of research that addresses the construction of meanings by the person with intellectual disability on the labor market.

Intellectual disability; Labor market; Labor inclusion

Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Educação Especial - ABPEE Av. General Rondon, 1799, Centro, Zip Code: 79331-030 - Corumbá - MS - Brazil