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Educational bilingual videos in the teaching of Newton's laws

This paper presents a discussion about the construction of a bilingual resource that can be used in inclusive physics classes that have students with hearing disability. The object studied here, the bilingual video, was also developed during the research. We constructed six videos that emphasized some of the physics concepts related to Newton's laws. The resource developed used the Brazilian sign language, the Portuguese language both written and spoken, and dynamic images that represent everyday situations in which the concepts discussed can be observed. The analysis of the resource developed in a context of inclusive teaching Physics occurred with the objective of evaluating the resource, making sure it was indeed a potential tool in promoting inclusion, and if the resource favored the learning of physics concepts discussed. Eighteen students of a secondary school at São Paulo State participated in this study. The research results indicate that while many variables are present in an inclusive context, the use of a bilingual resource can make school more inclusive.

include school; hearing disability; bilingual video; Newton's laws

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil