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Work - Energy theorem in rotational reference frames

In standard textbooks of college physics, Theorem of Work and Energy is generally presented for inertial reference systems in which it is clear that the kinetic energy is conserved when there is not net work of the forces of interaction. But what happens when energy and work are calculated on a non-inertial reference frame? In general, in basic physics textbooks this important issue is not treated. In this paper we seek to contribute, in this respect, with a proposal of activities to present and discuss this theorem standing for observers in relative rotation, explicitly emphasizing the differences between each description. This proposal aims at a gradual introduction, by discussion of concepts from simple and practical examples, but using the basic knowledge of vector formalism.

Work and Energy; Non-inertial reference frame; Physics Education

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil