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Software development of graphical analysis to radioprotection plans

In this work we developed a software that calculates the external doses in a plant radioactive, and presented graphically in contour dose (isodoses) using the geometric method. It was created to help the lessons of radioprotection, but can be used to review plans for radioprotection. The software was written for version 6.0 of the application Mathematica® from Wolfram Research for the algebraic and numerical calculation, but can be easily translated into Maple®, Matlab® or Delphi®. To demonstrate its application, this software is used to prepare the plan for radioprotection of a laboratory that uses a gas isotopic laser (14CO²).

radioprotection plan; medical physics; mathematica; laser

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil