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Teaching astronomy in an informal space: observing the Sun and its sunspots

The current article analyses the results obtained following a short course about the Sun and its dynamics for middle and junior high school students promoted at the Astronomical Observatory at the University of São Paulo (Observatório Astronômico do CDCC/USP) in the city of São Carlos in Brazil. The activities were developed in a recently launched room, the Solar Room. It is totally dedicated to the study of the Sun, focusing on sunspots and solar spectrum. The adopted methodology consisted of experiments, observations and discussions in small groups allowing students to reflect upon what was being studied. It fostered students' critical thinking by means of a larger number of connections between real and abstract concepts contributing to higher levels of conceptual complexity. Data were gathered by semi-structured interviews and answers to questionnaires.

astronomy teaching; informal education; Sun; science museum

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil