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An experience of teaching of physics of fluids with the use of new technologies in the context of a technical school

We will present a didactic material designed for the teaching of fluid dynamics, which includes contents that are in general not treated in high school, produced in form to contemplate the context of students of technical courses in agriculture and zootechnology. The hypertext uses technological resources as videos, animations in Flash, Java Applets, figures, texts and practical activities. It was developed in two didactic modules, each module with three distinct pedagogical moments, which deals with fluids that obey the ideal fluid and viscous fluid models, respectively. Situations of the students quotidian had been explored as irrigation systems, applicators of agricultural protection, hydroponic systems and small airplanes used for farming spray. We use as theoretical framework the historic-social theory of L.S. Vygotsky, centered in the interaction between the pairs and the pairs and the teacher, respecting the proximal development zone of the students. It was observed that the students who had used this didactic material were more predisposed to the teaching-learning process than the students which had not used, obtaining in a test about the developed contents a greater gain than the students which had not utilized this didactic material.

new technologies; fluids; social interaction

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil