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Joint instruction of astronomy and thermodynamics: exploring the habitable zone in the phase diagram of water

This work presents an approach where trendy astronominical topics can be used to complement the teaching-learning process in thermodynamics. In this direction, we present a discussion about the astronomical conditions that might potentially allow the emergence of life as we know, and the concept of Habitable Zone was introduced in pair with thermodynamical concepts, with emphasis on phase diagrams. Moreover, we introduced the Stefan-Boltzmann law and the effective temperature allowing a formal presentation of the Habitable Zone's limits in our solar system. The temperature and pressure conditions on each of the rocky planets in our solar system were discussed in detail and compared with the phase diagram of liquid water. Finally, atmospheric scenarios of the exoplanet candidate Gliese 581g were discussed to illustrate how the current research in astrobiology might help find potentially habitable planets.

habitable zone; astrobiology; water phase diagrams; habitability

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil