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Technological resources to support teaching and learning of astronomy in the course of Bachelor in Physics from the National University Timor Lorosa'e in East Timor

This work is the result of a research that resulted in a paper presented to the Post-Graduate of Education from the National University Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), under the guidance of member's professors of the Brazilian Cooperation in Program of Teachers Training and Teaching of Language Portuguese in East Timor. This study aimed to show that the use of technological resources in teaching astronomy can arouse students' interest in learning this discipline as well as improving the academic performance of the same. To obtain data on the evaluation of teaching astronomy to the use of technological resources and without the use of these resources were used a pretest and a posttest with students of Bachelor in Physics UNTL who would attend the discipline of "Science of Knowledge About the Earth and Astronomy"(CCTA) and were randomly assigned by a draw in two rooms "A"and "B". In room "A", the teaching-learning process was performed using technological resources and the room "B", the process of education has traditionally been, without the use of these resources. The results of the tests showed that students in the class room "A", who used the equipment were more motivated and integrated with the content taught that their colleagues in the class room "B", who did not have access to the equipment. For students in the class room "B", it was found they were less clear about the advantages of the use of technological resources available for teaching discipline, less self-con dence and mastery of content.

teaching of physics; astronomy; technological resources and learning

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil