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Physics teachers in the city of São Paulo: a relational perspective at educational inequality

This article aims to reflect on educational and social inequalities and their relationship with the representation of licensed teachers in the Natural Sciences disciplines. A spatial cut was made for the capitals of Brazil and the use of statistical and geoprocessing techniques using data from the School Census (2019) and School Catalog. The results point to the low representation of teachers with a degree in Physics working in Physics classes, compared to Chemistry and Biology, both in the state and private schools. The discussion is deepened for the city of São Paulo, considering its quantitative differences in licensed teachers and locating them in the territory, based on the territorial portions with socioeconomically vulnerable populations. Teachers with degrees in Physics presented variations in their training in the distribution in urban space, being underrepresented in spaces of social and economic vulnerability. In addition, he carried out a study of these teachers based on variables such as gender and race, with those who declared teaching Physics being mostly white and male. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the aim was to understand the relationship between school, territory, and teachers in urban areas, highlighting the need for political and formative reflections to strengthen the teaching of Physics in Basic Education.

Physic Teaching; Teaching Training; Social Inequalities; Urban Studies

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil