Open-access Color Box: Educational Product for Teaching Light and Color Physics, an Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Electromagnetic waves play a crucial role in various technological applications in our daily lives, ranging from telecommunications to issues related to global warming and healthcare. Therefore, the inclusion of experimental, expository, and playful educational products on this subject cannot be neglected in formal education. This study introduces the development of an experimental and interactive educational product (EP) designed to elucidate the relationship between color and visible light, as well as the luminescent phenomenon exhibited by certain materials when exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UV). The EP is cost-effective and accessible, comprising a dark box equipped with red, green, blue, and UV lamps. These lamps can be turned on individually or collectively, influencing the perceived color of an object based on the illuminating light’s color. Thus, the EP serves as a valuable resource for studying the theory of colors. The inclusion of a UV light source allows for the observation of luminescent properties in objects exposed to it, a feature commonly portrayed in crime movies and TV series. Photoluminescent substances are present in various materials, including sulfite paper and laundry detergent. Consequently, this EP emerges as an effective tool for introducing quantum mechanics concepts in the classroom.

Keywords: Instructional material; Visible light; Ultraviolet radiation

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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