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(Speed calculations for traffic accidents: A software for research in Forensic Physics)

In this paper we present and evaluate the Speed Calculations software for Traffic Accidents (SCTA). This application is designed for forensic studies and follows a protocol that allows the expert in crime scene analysis, even one that has no knowledge of physics, to estimate vehicle speeds involved in collisions and pedestrian accidents. SCTA uses basic concepts of classical mechanics, employs different coefficients of friction and takes into account the damage and the characteristics of the vehicles involved. This allows to determine the speeds in various accident situations. The software follows an open source philosophy, allowing implementation of new accident scenarios. Finally, as input data, SCTA needs only a few measurements performed by an expert. This avoids unnecessary scene observation and, optimizes and ensures reliability of forensic expertise.

particle dynamics and systems; traffic accidents; forensic physics

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil