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The Compton scientific mission in Brazil in 1941: a perspective from national newspapers and documents of the time

A missão científica Compton no Brasil em 1941: uma perspectiva a partir de jornais locais da época e documentos de arquivo

Starting from the perspective of reports published in Brazilian newspapers at the time, as well as letters exchanged between scientists who worked in Brazil and North American colleagues, and documents from the symposium on cosmic rays, a chronological sequence of how the so-called Compton mission in Brazil took place and was perceived by the literate public will be presented. For a better understanding of the article, research on cosmic rays in Brazil and around the world is contextualized and the reasons for the creation of the mission and its coming to Brazil are discussed.

Compton Mission; Cosmic Rays; Cosmic Rays Symposium in Rio de Janeiro; History of Physics

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil