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Physics 1 at UFRJ during the Covid-19 pandemics in 2020: elaboration and evaluation of a remote course

The COVID-19 pandemic, which broke out globally in early 2020, surprised the world and surely one of the most affected areas was Education. Universities, schools and even daycare centers, among others, abruptly interrupted their face-to-face activities, marking a generation that witnessed an event that hadn’t happened in a hundred years, since the Spanish flu. Educators from all countries were impelled to adopt remote education as a way to continue their essential activities, in an unprecedented challenge for the vast majority. The Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, and more specifically, the Instituto de Física boldly responded to the challenge: not only did it migrate to remote education, but also took the opportunity to put into practice new active teaching methodologies active in one of the courses with the greatest contingent of students: Physics 1. The purpose of this article is to detail how the discipline was restructured to the remote form and how it developed over the first period through statistical assessments of various aspects including opinions of the students involved.

Peer instruction; Remote Teaching; Physics 1.

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