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Reduction of the trailing observed in the video analysis of a moving object illuminated by stroboscopic light

Redução do rastro observado na videoanálise de um objeto em movimento iluminado por luz estroboscópica

This work presents a new filming technique for objects captured in motion that minimizes the typical trail (blur) left in the recorded videos, increasing the accuracy of the video analyses. In order to reduce this trailing, we present a new technique called video analysis by stroboscopic illumination. The technique consists of filming the object of study illuminated only by short and intense pulses of light, without natural or artificial ambient lighting. An electronic device generates the pulses at a frequency adjustable to the frequency of the frames per second that take part in the video. As a result, we present an example of the proposed technique by filming a rubberized sphere launched from a ramp. This technique makes it possible to film by cell phones with low-resolution cameras and a low acquisition rate, allowing the improvement of the results of motion measurements.

Experimentation in Physics Education; Video Analysis; Stroboscopic Illumination; Software Tracker

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil