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An application of the energy conservation theorem as a problem of integration

It is shown here the solution of a problematic situation in context, which is quite different from the exercises solved by the students usually. It is framed in Rich Problems in Context's strategy of solution, in which the students are involved actively and reliably for giving the answer. This problematic situation was presented to students of Bachelor in Physics and Teaching Training in Physics in the College of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of La Pampa, Argentine, at the end of the course of Physics II (Newtonian mechanics) in the year 2009. The students applied in the resolution the angular momentum conservation, energy theorems, Newton's laws and movement equations in an integrated way.

rich problems in context; conservation of the angular momentum and energy; didactic strategy

Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil