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Administration of the schools in the city of Santos - SP

The current research aimed to analyze the conditions of the schools sports practices (SPS) in the elementary schools in the city of Santos - SP, from the perspective of the manager, in relation to: a) percentage of attendance in the public sphere; b) description of the material and fi nancial resources; c) characterization of the human resources; d) characteristics of the human resources; d) characteristics of the program developed. To achieve this purpose, some questionnaires were fi lled in by managers of the private schools (n = 12), municipals (n = 35) and state schools (n = 12). It was verifi ed that few children and teenagers attended the programs in the public sphere. The installations in the private and city schools are better than the ones from the net of the state schools; it is stressed that the Municipalities uses the spaces assigned by the Municipal Secretariat of Sport and by the community. In accordance with the managers, the SPS teacher/coach does not teach Physical Education of School in the same school. The managers of Municipal and private schools reported that the SPS are not related to the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP) of the school, what indicates incredulity of the managers in relation to the educational SPS feasibility. In the public sphere, it is possible to think about strategies for the democratization of these practices, with intersector programs - that articulate different secretariats and the participation of the community, in a way that the budgets may be optimized and the PPP valued within the context in which they are included. It is expected that this knowledge subsidies future discussions about initiation sports programs within the school sphere.

Organization & administration; School sport

Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 65, 05508-030 São Paulo SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3091 3147 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil