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Production of knowledge on dance in Brazilian Physical Education journals

The present study aims to identify and analyze the production of knowledge related to the dance phenomenon in the context of the national scientific Physical Education journals throughout a 10-year period (2000 to 2010). Titles and summaries of articles published in six journals were explored. The articles found were grouped in Five categories and the results were: from the 2362 published articles, 67 (2.84%) were related to dance. From these, 38.81% were about Human Movement Socio-cultural Studies, 34.33% about Human Movement Pedagogy - among witch 65.22% were related to school -, 17.93% about Human Movement Biodynamic and 5.97% in each areas Human Movement Adaptation and Motor Behavior. These data were discussed in relation to the need of elaborating an academic production that explores the multidimensionality of the dance phenomenon in inter-and multidisciplinary areas, favoring an academic and professional approach among the protagonists of Dance and of Physical Education.

Interdisciplinary studies; Dance; Physical education

Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 65, 05508-030 São Paulo SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3091 3147 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil