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Legacies of sport mega-events: considerations from a critical perspective


One of the main arguments for the realization of sport mega-events is that they generate economic, social, political and sport legacies for the hosting cities / countries. The goal of this paper is to discuss the notion of development on the agenda of these events, based on authors who have been discussing this issue. We verified that the type of development facilitated by these events has been primarily benefiting well positioned agents with privileged access to decision makers at the expense of a type of development that could favor the population in general. The promotion of development for the common good is possible only to the extent that the decision to host - or not host - sport mega-events is aligned with the long-term development goals of the cities and the host countries. This decision should also be consistent with the host´s socio-cultural reality and its ability to provide the infrastructure and resources necessary to host the event. The realization of sport mega-events does not produce positive results automatically. For this to happen, it is necessary careful planning. For example, when considering the construction of sports venues and how they will be used after the event, people in charge should consider questions such as: Who will be responsible for maintaining them and which resources will be made available for this goal? Who will use these venues? What kind of support does the targeted pubic needs so that it can optimize their use? Both the process of legacy planning and the implementation and evaluation of actions to build this legacy should involve the participation of people who will be directly affected with the realization of the event.

Sport; Olympic Games; Paralympic Games; World Cup; FIFA; IOC

Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 65, 05508-030 São Paulo SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3091 3147 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil