Open-access The relationship between oestrogen and muscle strength: a current perspective


The relationship between muscle strength and oestrogen is ambiguous and is still largely unresolved. The evidence for and against an effect of oestradiol on determinants of muscle function is equivocal and often contradictory. The bulk of the research in this area was performed during the eighties and nineties, using models of reproductive functioning such as; the menstrual cycle, the menopause and hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptives and in vitro fertilisation treatment, to alter the female hormonal milieu. In the last decade, approximately 15 papers have demonstrated a relationship, both positive and negative, between the concentration of oestrogen and skeletal muscle strength. Conversely, around 20 articles have not shown any influence of oestrogen on a number of strength measures. The majority of these studies were performed using post-menopausal and eumenorrheic females. Most current studies use hormonal assays to confirm oestrogen status, however no recent studies have reported the bioavailable concentration of oestradiol. Similarly, no research in the last 10 years has used in vitro fertilisation treatment or pregnancy as acute and chronic models of supra-physiological changes in sex hormone concentration. Future work should focus on performing meta-analyses on each of the key components of muscle strength in an attempt to elucidate a causal relationship. In addition, models of reproductive functioning that cause the greatest magnitude of change to oestrogen concentration should be used, while controlling as many confounding factors as possible.

Oestradiol; Reproductive hormones; Muscular system; Females; Performance


During the eighties and nineties there was much debate and controversy about the effects of ovarian hormones on muscle strength in females1-5. Researchers used various models of reproductive functioning to investigate this relationship including; the menstrual cycle6, the menopause7, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment8, pregnancy9, oral contraceptives10 (OC’s) and hormone replacement therapies11 (HRT’s). Since then, numerous review papers12-14 have been published, yet the number of original research outputs has declined. To date, there is still no consensus regarding the role of oestrogen in force production or universal guidelines for advising females about reproductive status and skeletal muscle function. This review will consider data from the last ten years examining the relationship between oestrogen and muscle strength. It is important to study this relationship as the female hormonal milieu changes across the lifespan and muscle strength is an enabling factor which facilitates functional independence and athletic performance.

Interestingly, the association between sex hormones and the muscular system was first noted almost 100 years before the majority of research in this field was conducted: JACOBI15 observed periodic changes in muscle strength during the menstrual cycle. Since then, several authors have linked cyclical changes in muscle strength, in eumenorrheic females, with fluctuations in ovarian hormone levels across the menstrual cycle3,4,10,16-17. However, there is also substantial evidence to the contrary1,5,18-20. During the same period, numerous authors have reported a notable reduction in strength at the onset on the menopause that can be preserved by HRT11,21-23. In contrast, a similar number of reports have contradicted this evidence and have shown no relationship2,7,24-25. The influence of OC’s on muscle function is also confusing with some authors16,26 suggesting an effect and others showing no difference4,10. For a comprehensive review of the literature published between 1980 and 2000 see CABLE and ELLIOTT12.

Data from this era was impaired by a variety of design issues such as; inconsistent terminologies (e.g. menstrual cycle phase and postmenopausal status), inaccurate methods (e.g. basal body temperature assessment to confirm ovulation), subjective measures (e.g. retrospective questionnaires to establish menstrual cycle phase), grouping non-homogenous participants (e.g. using OC and HRT users on different brands and types of exogenous steroid supplementation) and comparing incompatible strength measures (e.g. different test modalities and muscle types). For a detailed summary of these and other issues see CABLE and ELLIOTT12, ELLIOTT-SALE et al.27 and ELLIOTT-SALE and Martin28. The purpose of this current perspective is to summarise the research published since 2004 and to critically evaluate if the research from the eighties and nineties has influenced and informed the research design of recent studies.

The evidence for an effect of oestrogen on muscle strength

During the last ten years approximately 15 papers have shown an effect of oestrogen on muscle strength or determinants of muscle strength (TABLE 1). Three studies used the menstrual cycle as a model of reproductive functioning29, while two further studies combined the menstrual cycle with OC use32-33. One report examined the effects of OC consumption and withdrawal on strength34 and one combined previous OC use with a control group that had never used OC’s35. Undoubtedly, the most common reproductive functioning models used in the literature in the last decade were the menopause and HRT36-44. These models were used to investigate numerous facets of muscle strength including; muscle stiffness30 and soreness29, dynamic and isometric force production38,43, power41, endurance32, performance33, functional capacity39 and gene expression37. Generally, the relationship between oestrogen and muscle strength was positive; high concentrations of oestradiol were associated with the preservation of muscle strength and mass in addition to mobility and function36-44. However, one study showed a negative relationship between oestrogen concentrations and muscle function; ALLALI et al.35 showed increased performance in a number of functional tests in previous OC users. Only one study showed a detrimental effect of high concentrations of oestrogen on muscle function; NICOLAY et al.32 found that static handgrip endurance was reduced in the late-follicular phase of the menstrual cycle when oestrogen levels are high.

Studies showing an effect of oestrogen on muscle strength or determinants of muscle strength.

The evidence against an effect of oestrogen on muscle strength

Since 2004, approximately 20 studies have not shown any relationship between oestrogen and muscle strength (TABLE 2). Of these studies, nine employed a menopause model with and without HRT45-53, while six used the menstrual cycle54-60. One study used a pubertal model59 and the remaining studies used OC’s61-63. Muscle function was assessed through a variety of measures including; maximal dynamic53 and isometric58 strength, endurance46, performance60, power45 and functional capacity48. Despite significant changes in oestrogen concentration, none of these studies were able to demonstrate the putative role of oestrogen in determining muscle strength.

Studies showing no effect of oestrogen on muscle strength or determinants of muscle strength.

Methodological issues and advancements

The menopause and the menstrual cycle remain the most popular models for investigating the effects of oestrogen on muscle strength; accounting for more than two thirds of recent publications. Surprisingly, the IVF model has not been used 2004, despite providing acute supra-physiological changes in oestradiol concentration without the confounding factors associated with the menopause and the menstrual cycle: notably age and inter and intra-individual variability in hormone secretion. In addition, both puberty and pregnancy have been under-utilised, even though they provide substantial chronic natural changes in the female hormonal milieu9.

It is encouraging to note that the majority of recent studies have used blood samples to confirm reproductive status; post-menopausal38,50, menstrual cycle phase29-30 and OC use9,34. However, no studies have specifically measured the bioavailable concentration of oestradiol, which may be of particular interest for studies using post-menopausal groups; previous work has shown that the bioavailability of oestradiol did not significantly differ between two phases of the menstrual cycle64. The bioavailable part of oestrogen is not a set proportion of the total concentration and is dependent on its affinity to and concentration of its binding protein. Therefore, models of reproductive functioning, such as the menopause, might influence the bioavailable concentration of oestradiol and subsequently its relationship with muscle strength. Moreover, there are still a number of publications that have used a variety of types and brands of OC’s33,63 and HRT’s39,41, which can lead to extremely large variation in hormone concentration when grouped together and may ultimately lead to type II errors27.

The term “muscle strength” is too ambiguous and makes comparing studies and drawing any conclusions very difficult. In the last decade, over 20 indices of muscle strength or determinants of muscle strength have been investigated (see TABLES 1 and 2 for exact tests). It would be judicious to perform a meta-analysis on each of the main components of strength (dynamic, isometric, endurance, power) in relation to oestrogen status. It is interesting to note that recently several studies have investigated the effect of oestrogen on the gene expression influencing muscle strength and hypertrophy37,44, indicating a new direction for this type of research.


To date, there is still no unanimous consensus regarding the effect of oestrogen on muscle strength. There is almost the same number of papers supporting an effect of oestrogen on skeletal muscle function as there are showing no effect. Moreover, both positive and negative correlations have been reported when an effect was evident. Future work should focus on discrete elements of muscle strength and use the best and most appropriate models of reproductive functioning available; i.e. models that cause the greatest magnitude of change in sex hormone concentration (e.g. IVF). In addition, future work should aim to control as many confounding factors as possible (e.g. age, smoking, exercise status etc.). Moreover, there is a need to conduct meta-analyses on previous research in order to move towards a conclusion on this topic.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2014


  • Received
    20 Mar 2014
  • Accepted
    07 Apr 2014
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