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Scale of coach behavior: version coach (ECT-T) and version athlete (ECT-A): what the coach says is confirmed by its athletes?

The purpose of this study was to verify the level of association between athletes and their coaches' perceptions, according to the kind of sport (individual or group), in the six dimensions of coaching behavior - Physical Training (PT); Technical Training (TT); Mental Preparation (MP); Goal Setting (GS); Personal Positive Rapport (PPR) Personal Negative Rapport (PNR) - accessed by the two Brazilian versions of Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport: Coaches (ECT-T) and Athletes Versions (ECT-A). Participated 181 athletes (114 male and 67 female) of nine different sports with mean age of 17.15 years (± 1.48) and their respective coaches (N = 32), all male, with mean age of 32.88 years (± 8.91). Coaches and athletes answered the 38 items, which have the same content, in the mentioned questionnaires. The non-parametric Spearman correlation showed the inexistence of significant association, at a level = 0.05, between the coaches and athletes perception of group sports in the dimensions TT, MP, GS and PPR. In addition, there were no significant correlations between coaches and athletes perceptions of individual sports in the following dimensions: PT, TT, MP, GS and PPR. Among others reasons, the low compatibility involving the coaches and athletes perceptions can be associated with failures in the training organization process. Besides, the relationship of each coach with their athletes appears to add more information than the simple categorization: group modalities versus individual modalities

Coaches' behaviors; Leadership; Sport psychology; ECT-T & ECT-A

Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 65, 05508-030 São Paulo SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3091 3147 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil