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Scoping review of the application of the Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure (PHEEM) in medical residency



The PHEEM (postgraduate hospital educational environment measure) is a validated and reliable instrument to assess the educational environment in medical residency programs.


To map the application of the PHEEM questionnaire in medical residency, evaluate the results found, positive and negative aspects and points for improvement.


We performed a scoping review according to the Joanna Briggs institution’s methodology. Studies that followed the PCC structure were included, as follows: P (participants) = resident physicians of any specialty; C (concept) = The PHEEM is an instrument used to assess the educational environment in medical residency, through a 40-item questionnaire divided into 3 subscales that include perception of autonomy, teaching and social support. C (context)= studies on PHEEM in medical residency of any specialty. PubMed, EMBASE and the Virtual Health Library databases were the data sources.


We identified 1588 references, and after reading the title and abstract, 50 references were selected for full reading, and 36 studies were included. The studies were carried out in 22 countries, and most revealed a more positive than negative educational environment, albeit with room for improvement. In the subscales, the perception of autonomy was more positive than negative, and the perception of teaching revealed that most programs are moving in the right direction. However, when evaluating social support, the results were divided between an unpleasant environment and an environment with more pros than cons. The main highlighted positive points were low racial and sexual discrimination, possibility of working in a team, adequate level of responsibilities, accessible teachers with good teaching skills, learning opportunities and participation in educational events. The main negative points were lack of adequate food and accommodation during the shifts, excessive workload, lack of feedback from preceptors and lack of protected time for study and the culture of blaming the resident.


The application of PHEEM revealed that in most medical residency programs the educational environment was more positive than negative, albeit with room for improvement. Efforts are needed to improve the educational environment, especially social support, in medical residency programs.

Key words:
Internship and Residency; Environment; Education; PHEEM

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