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Team-based learning in remote teaching of health promotion and education at Medical School



Team-Based Learning (TBL) is a method widely used in the teaching of health promotion as it instigates the exercise of skills such as leadership, teamwork and decision-making. With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a general need to adapt medical education to the remote environment. Thus, the objective of this article is to describe the experience of adapting a curricular component of Public Health to the online scenario, maintaining TBL as a teaching-learning methodology of health promotion, even during the pandemic.

Experience Report:

The method was applied through videoconferences and a platform with resources for the application of tests according to the TBL format. With the meetings, students developed essential skills about health promotion, such as salutogenesis, the illness metaphor during the process of getting sick, prevention and health education.


TBL develops students’ skills such as teamwork, leadership and dialogue. These competencies are prescribed in the National Curricular Guidelines for undergraduate medical training, and are essential in the practice of health promotion. Furthermore, the discipline promoted a salutogenic construction of the students’ capacities, developing skills based on their potential, just as in an operational group. Also, the application of TBL allowed the continued smooth teaching of health promotion despite the remote learning scenario, because this methodology encourages active learning and offers the possibility of applying the knowledge obtained in practical situations. The main limitations of the experience were difficulties encountered in accessing distance learning platforms, the limitations to non-verbal communication and the control over consultation materials during the execution of each stage.


The adaptation of the TBL method to the remote scenario stimulated the practice of communicative and argumentative skills that are essential to the work with operative groups in the community and allowed students to apply the learned concepts in practical situations, despite the remote learning environment.

Key words:
Health Promotion; Team-based learning; Education, Medical; Education, Distance; Covid-19

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