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Problem-based clinical record as an instrument to develop competences in a medical residency program



Competencies relevant to current medical education are classified into cognitive, technical, contextual, integrative, affective, relational, and habits of mind. In the present study, a learning instrument, called Problem-Based Clinical Record (RBP), composed of a list of patients’ online problems with their respective investigations and interventions was developed and applied in a Medical Residency Program in internal medicine.


To investigate the perception of resident physicians and tutors on the use of RBP in the teaching-learning process and the development of skills in its various dimensions.


21 residents and 8 preceptors of a Medical Clinic ward participated in the study, distributed into 3 focus groups, where they discussed the use of RBP in the service. The participants’ oral accounts were interpreted using Bardin’s content analysis.


In the residents’ view, RBP influenced the organization of knowledge and motivation within the cognitive dimension. The integrative dimension was the most cited by the participants, since RBP led to reflection and the structuring of reasoning by problems, acting positively in the organization of knowledge and definition of relevant problems. In the contextual dimension, no consensus was found among residents regarding impact on the rational request for exams and the preceptors related to the lack of impact of RBP to the lack of feedback. In the relational dimension, preceptors and residents reported that RBP worked on the synthesis and organization of thought. The residents argued that RBP influenced habits of the mind, related to the physician’s ability to self-assess and reflect on his practice.


RBP acted as a learning tool, mainly because it is associated with psycho-pedagogical factors related to the facilitation of learning. The dimensions of cognitive, integrative, contextual, relational, and habits of the mind were developed by the RBP. The view of residents and tutors on the relevance of RBP for learning skills was divergent. The cognitive, integrative, and habits of the mind dimensions had a greater difference between the participants. For RBP to generate more effective learning, preceptors need to interact more with the instrument and regularly provide feedback to residents.

Medical Education; Internship and Medical Residency; Problem-Oriented Medical Records

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 | Asa Norte, Brasília | DF | CEP: 70712-903, Tel: (61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013, Fax: +55 21 2260-6662 - Brasília - DF - Brazil