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Simulation Training for Prevention of Healthcare Associated-Infections

This article describes the results of training undergraduate students and health professionals about preventing healthcare-associated infections, with the use of simulators. The training consisted of five modules: hand washing, prevention of bloodstream infections, prevention of pneumonia associated to respiratory devices, prevention of urinary infection and biosecurity. The simulation training was performed with small groups of students at different stages of their degrees and from various courses. The course was taken from May 2012 to April 2013 by 61 students, each following at least one module of the course, and student performance was measured by tests applied before and after each module. The positive improvement rates reported in modules 1 to 5 were: 34.2%, 34%, 40.4%, 28.2% and 42.2% respectively. No statistical difference was found in relation to the positive improvement achieved in all five modules when analyzed in terms of students from different undergraduate programs. In conclusion, the simulation training proved effective in increasing the undergraduate students’ understanding of prevention of healthcare associated-infections.

Medical Education; Simulation; Teaching; Health Education; Infection/ Prevention and Control

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