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Health Promotion: Coherence in Teaching-Learning Strategies


Medical training can generate huge responsibilities for the students and cause various behavioral, mental and physical problems. Considering this fact, we need to problematize strategies to promote the physical and mental health of medical students, as highlighted by the National Guidelines for Undergraduate Medical Education in Brazil. This experience report aims to problematize an initiative of a curricular axis of Public Health of a Brazilian Federal University, focused on the improvement of competencies related to health promotion. During the third curricular unit of this axis, the students were challenged, through the Arch of Maguerez, to improve competencies related to health promotion and salutogenesis, according to the principles of SUS and Public Health Policies, especially the National Policy for Health Promotion. After that, the curricular unit that included this theme was collectively constructed, with dialogue and affection between students and teachers. We began with the students’ reality, to learn about Health Promotion and, thus, to be able to transform it. The developed activities, within a component of the formal curriculum of a medical course, allowed them to learn and become aware of the relevance and practice of Health Promotion in everyday life. Efforts were made to expand and promote health and well-being in a free and autonomous way. Empowered with these knowledges and based on the proposed pedagogical objectives, the students built the final activity of this unit. The place where it occurred showed to be effective in producing health and in constituting a scenario of teaching and learning for medical training. It was understood that health promotion, based on activities contextualized with the students’ realities and needs, as part of the academic routine, has a transformative potential for their health, and can prepare them for a medical practice that is ethical, relational, affective and co-responsible. The experience was innovative, because it faced the incoherence of teaching Health Promotion without practicing it, in a context where the physical and mental health conditions of medical students have become more precarious. Thus, the opportunity to learn about the subject was used to develop skills and to experience Health Promotion within the students’ reality, preparing them for the interventions with the community, which occurred next. The activity was positively evaluated, highlighting the relevance of Public Health in the medical training, aiming to think about the interfaces between the self and the other, our similarities, differences and need for transformations in the meetings that the undergraduate school and the medical profession provide.

Medical Education; Mental Health; Health Promotion; Public Health; Medicine

Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica SCN - QD 02 - BL D - Torre A - Salas 1021 e 1023 | Asa Norte, Brasília | DF | CEP: 70712-903, Tel: (61) 3024-9978 / 3024-8013, Fax: +55 21 2260-6662 - Brasília - DF - Brazil